
If you have a a junk drawer/s....

Is everything just thrown in there or is it in organized little compartments?  Somehow we ended up with 3 of these in the kitchen and every 6 months or so I go through and throw stuff away/orgnaize them but it seems like within a few weeks they are a huge mess again.  I feel like just embracing the essence of a junk drawer and letting them be but wondering what others mindsets are on this matter;)
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Re: If you have a a junk drawer/s....

  • We don't have a junk drawer, but that's just because we have almost no drawers in this house. When I do get to have a junk drawer I would love to organize it.
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  • I have 2. They are a mess and one of them only gets opened every few months. I haven't cleaned them out since I was pregnant with DS.
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  • I think I have slight OCD so every drawer in my house is organized. Ha ha! But for my junk drawer (which has everything from birthday candles, to stamps, to dog grooming supplies, and matches) I use the little compartment trays. My drawer is very wide (30 in) so I can fit 2 of those trays in there. I think I got them at Ross or Homegoods. I personally like it organized. When the electricity goes out, I know exactly where the matches and flashlights are!
  • Even if I tried to organize DH would screw it up. Every one in a while he decides we need to keep some tools in there. I should throw most of the junk out. Here's hoping for a good bout of nesting this pregnancy.

    My junk drawer is actually in a junk pile. There is an island attached to the wall that I HATE!  It juts out of the wall so we call it the peninsula. It is the most useless cupboard set up in the world and I am dying to rip it out and place something properly against the wall.

  • We also used to have 3 junk drawers, but it started to drive me nuts, so I bought a couple drawer organizers at target. So now we have two organized drawers and one that is still a mess of random stuff. I was suprised at how much I found that I could throw away when I organized the drawers. The little organizers do help to keep things straight and in their place, plus it is not as easy to just throw things in there like before.
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  • We have one, and it is not organized at all.  Sometimes I try looking in there for something & find the most random s'hit.  LOL
  • I have one. We're down to just the one, since we have way more actual storage space. We moved a year ago, but I still feel like I'm getting things sorted out. This drawer I'm not too worried about yet, but I will get organizers for it. If its the only place in the house that's unorganized, that's fine too, because I know exactly what's in it.
  • We keep things like elastic bands in a ziploc bag and try to keep smaller things like pencils at the front, but other than that it's just a big mess.


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  • We have 2 and things are just thrown in, with stamps in the back and pens in the front.  Everything else is fair game.
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  • I have a lingerie chest that is pretty much a "junk dresser."  I say embrace the chaos.  Everybody has a place in their house that collects crap.  If it's somewhere hidden, you're ahead of most people.
  • I'm the same way as you, TriciaChick. My drawer is reorganized every so often, and it's almost immediately messed up again. /sigh. 

    Oh the vicious cycle of the junk drawer.  

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