I'm reading and hearing mixed reviews so I thought I'd ask you fne ladies.
I bought GMD newborn prefolds and Thirsites Duo Covers.
Did you start CD right away, right out of the hospital. If so, what kind of CD did you use? Prefolds, AIO, Fitteds... Or did you use disposables? It's the meconium I'm curious about and the staining it causes. I know that I can use a flushable insert but I want to know what you did and if it worked and would you do it again?
FYI the hospital we are going to uses cd only.
Re: Disposables first couple weeks?
We're planning on using OsoCozy infant better fit prefolds, Thirsties Duo sz 1 covers & flushable liners in the beginning. I would rather not use disposables at all once we're home but I just need to see about the covers, I've heard you can sort of fold them down and they shouldn't interfere with the cord.
For DD the meconium was only her first few poops. It was all gone before we left the hospital.
I used the Bummis Preemie size because DD was so tiny... so the umbilical cord didn't rub against them. Her cord fell off at 7 days old.
We used CDs as soon as we got home from the hospital. Meconium wasn't a big deal - DD passed all of it in the hospital. Even if she hadn't we would have used the CDs once we got home for two reasons:
1) EBF poo stains worse than meconium, so I have no idea why the 'meconium stains CDs' worry exists. The sun gets all the stains out anyway.
2) Cloth diapers contain poo better than disposables.
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