First, congrats to all you ladies - I hope to be joining you soon! TTGPer coming over to ask if anyone got their BFP later than 12 or 13 dpo after testing negative prior? I'm in POAS purgatory...I'm not exactly sure how many dpo I am since I didn't temp this month (kicking myself over that one!), but today is CD 31 and no sign of AF. I've never had a cycle longer than 31 days and I've been having similar cramping/low back pain to what I had with my DD that make me think I could be pregnant, but I just got a BFN (granted it was pretty diluted urine at night; stupid me). I might be grasping at straws, but I'm just wondering how common it is to take longer to get a BFP. I didn't test with DD until almost a week after AF was due, so I have no clue if I could be a late implanter or not. TIA for humoring me!
Re: Anyone get a late BFP?