Baby Names


Thoughts? I'm a fan of Hawaiian names, but I'm Hungarian/Italian and DH is Polish. Is Lani good for a nonHawaiian/Polynesian couple?

Ps: possible middle names if you like it? Last name is very similar to Sewell.

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Re: Lani

  • I personally think Lani is too harsh of a sound for a little girl, much to my DH's dismay. I like the suggestion of Lana though. 

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  • imagemj.reilly:
    It looks and sounds like a nn to me.I do like Leilani, though. But it is a bit Hawaiian sounding.Have you considered Lana, prn /LAHnuh/?

    I do like Leilani, Noelani, and Kailani, but they are too Hawaiian sounding. But my favorite is Noelani.

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  • I thinknits cute, but agree that it more of a nn or short for something else. What abiut Delaney?
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  • I like it, think its pretty. I grew up with a Loni, pronounced the same way, so maye that's why I'm more open to it.

    I also did a quick search, and it's a legit standalone name; Hawaiian for sky.
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  • I may be in the minority, but I like it. It both looks and sounds pretty to me. I think a one-syllable, traditionally feminine MN would sound good.

    Lani Rose

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  • I like it too, either on its own or as a NN for a longer name (Noelani is my fave). Lana is ok, but I'd be hesitant because of what it spells backwards.
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