Cloth Diapering


I'm curious about washing cloth diapers I'm new to this. Do I need a special soap or do you ladies use reg laundry soap like free and clear?

Re: Washing

  • Don't use a liquid detergent, and any of the Free and Clear brands from the store cannot be used (optical brighteners).

    Some people use Tide Original powder.

    I prefer Tiny Bubbles. 


  • we use Tide Ultra filled to the #2 line. That's the only one that hasn't left us with funk.

    I do a whole quick wash (no detergent)/ cold ----2 rinses

    Long HOT load with Tide and Calgon additive----wash and rinse

    whole quick wash/ cold-----2 rinses

    This is every other day, sometimes every third. Our water is hard.

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  • I use Tide Original Power that way I can use it on our clothes too.  Works great for me!
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  • imageMommaA117:
    we use Tide Ultra filled to the 2 line. That's the only one that hasn't left us with funk.
    I do a whole quicknbsp;wash no detergent/ cold 2 rinses
    Long HOT load with Tide and Calgon additivewash and rinse
    whole quick wash/ cold2 rinses
    This is every other day, sometimes every third. Our water is hard.

    Whoa rinse cycles! I havent had my baby before but I just thought the extra rinses were for after using detergent, not just the "get the solids off" pre rinse cycles.

    But if that's what it takes to work for you, that's what it takes I guess.
  • We have very hard water and use RnG Hard Rock. Anything else eventually builds up in the microfiber causing all kinds of nasty issues.

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  • imagesarenu1:

    Don't use a liquid detergent, and any of the Free and Clear brands from the store cannot be used (optical brighteners).

    Some people use Tide Original powder.

    I prefer Tiny Bubbles. 


    Agreed.  Liquid and F&C (even powder versions) can cause build up problems.  

    I've always used Tide original powder and have never had issues.

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