Cloth Diapering

First time laundering ?

I am gearing up to prep my diapers and had a question about drying:

I know my prefolds, fitteds, and AIOs can go in the dryer, but what about diaper covers? I know they only need to be washed once (the other say 5-8 times because all of my dipes are all natural fibers), but nothing really says a clear cut drying plan. I know after they are washed the first time to line dry, but some say to dry in the dryer to seal PUL. Thoughts?


Re: First time laundering ?

  • Anything with PUL (including AIOs) I put in the dryer for 20-30 minutes on medium to seal any holes from sewing in the PUL, then after that I line dry only. I have had leaks from some diapers if I haven't sealed the PUL first, although I know some people have never dried in the dryer with no problems.

    If you regularly dry your AIOs in the diapers, it may shorten the life of your diaper.

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  • Put them in the dryer the first time to seal the pul, then after that it's kind of up to you. If you line dry them they will last longer, if you put them in the dryer they will be done faster but wear out faster. I usually leave them out of the dryer and dry my inserts and prefolds and then throw covers in the dryer for the last 5 or 10 minutes of the cycle. But I also live in Seattle and don't have room to line dry inside and I like the convenience of just tossing them in the dryer. It's preference, your dryer isn't going to explode or anything.
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  • Ditto PP's.  I put in the dryer the first time and have used a drying rack after that.
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  • Thanks everyone! Line drying was my plan (for covers)...just wondered about that first drying!
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