Maine Babies

She sttn

Apparently anything over 5 hours is sttn. Well she slept from 9pm - 4am. Woohoo! granted i didn't go to sleep until almost 11, but still.?

Re: She sttn

  • i am completly jealous - our nights seem to be getting worse rather than getting better. :( maybe it is because i am weaning off of BM to formula. ugh. i hope andrew turns it around soon.
  • That's great!!! Avery slept for an 8 hour stretch last night but unfortunately I was only asleep for 2 of them. :( She slept from 5pm-1am and I also hadn't gone to bed until 11.?
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  • That's a great start! I know that STTN is technically 5-6 hours, but I never felt like it was until he was sleeping all the way through with no feedings at all!
    Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12
  • That's awesome!!  DD did that for a couple of weeks and then just a few nights ago started sleeping 8-9 hours.  I have made it a point to go down when she does (around 10) so that I can get the same amount of sleep too.  It's so refreshing!!
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