Question for moms who have cloth diapered more than one child with cloth: Which held up bettersnaps or aplix? I intend to diaper LO and a future LO with the same stash, so I really want to stock with that in mind. Also, we are starting out with Bumgenius pockets and prefolds with Thirstiest Duo Wraps. Thinking of adding Flips or Rumparooz pockets. Suggestions?
Thanks Mamas!!
Re: Snaps vs. Aplix
I only have a few Thirsties in aplix and I won't be getting more unless its for a newborn, short term use. DD is 9 months old and she already noticed how much fun aplix is to play with. I have to put a onesie over any aplix diapers.
born March 2012
Aplix for newborn stuff - it's easier to get a good fit and doesn't get used for that long. All of my nb stash was used and most of it Aplix - it was fine.
Snaps for beyond, especially if you're getting Thirsties or BumGenius/Flips products. I do not have good things to say about their Aplix. At all.
If you find you love Aplix, though, the Aplix on my Bummis and Kawaii Heavy Duty Square Tabs are holding up rather well. Two of my Bummis covers were even acquired used and still look pretty good.
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I agree that a mix is best. We have mostly snaps for daytime but prefer aplix at night. DS is a tummy sleeper and without a really tight fit we have leaks from the waist.
I also agree that the BG/Flip aplix is the worst! Right now I'm using a Boingo on my BG aplix to keep the tabs from slipping. When that no longer works I'll have them converted to snaps or have the aplix replaced with touch tape. I like the velcro from Tots Bots and RaR. Blueberry isn't bad either. I've also tried Happy Heiny aplix. It seems to hold up really well but I have trouble getting the laundry tabs to stay so they end up being a PIA for me.
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
A friend gave me like 20 BG pockets that she had used on her kid. After one kid, all of the Aplix is truly in pretty bad shape. If I were buying diapers and not just getting them gifted, if I planned to use them for more than one kid, I'd do snaps.
Also: test out the Rumparooz before you buy a ton of them. They seem to fit some babies great, and others not so well. My girls are two very different body types, but they didn't really work well for either of them.
Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.
my blog
What it's like to cloth diaper twins, Part I.
Cloth diapering twins, Part II.