
tell me about Elmo Live...MIL got it for M. for christmas

It looks like a big waste of money to be honest but hey if thats what MIL wants to give her thats fine by me.  Just curious as to what it does.
Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!

Re: tell me about Elmo Live...MIL got it for M. for christmas

  • I'm not sure either but that's what my MIL got DD for her Bday too. She'll get it at the end of this month. All I know, is what I've seen it do during the demo in stores. He tells you he loves you and gives kisses... I would never be able to justify spending $60 on it myself. But like you said if that's what she wants to get her then by all means.. :) I think it tells jokes and dances but I'm not sure. DD does love it every time we play with it in the store though so I'm sure she'll freak out when she gets it...
  • We bought it for DS (he's 1 1/2) for christmas this year.  The demo only shows him saying one phrase but apparently he says a lot of things, tells jokes, dances around etc.  My DS saw it in the store and loved it.  He was smiling and laughing and thought it was great, and everytime we left he yelled "MO!"  So, needless to say I bought it...
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  • Hey Kris- found this on Youtube...Jake loved watching this. "melmo, melmo momma!" 

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