July 2012 Moms

Let's play "Name That J12 Baby!"

My friend on another BMB said they did this and it was a blast! We see each other's babies in siggies every day, but can we recognize them without names attached?? Let's find out! If you want to play, email me at lovemyben at gmail dot com.

Things to include: your bump name, LO's name as we know it on our board, and a good clear face shot of LO. I will post a couple more times to make sure everyone gets entered who wants to, then sometime next week I will post all the pics in a PIP thread. Everyone will then email me their guesses, I will look over them, then post who recognized the most J12 babies! I'll also post the answers after a winner is revealed, just so everyone can see which ones they got right and wrong. No prize for the winner, just bragging rights and lots of fun!!

Who's in??

Re: Let's play "Name That J12 Baby!"

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