No, I'm not posting a whine. Well, wait, I kind of am. Jackson is whining ALL.THE.TIME.
He has an normal, even toned voice, but it's like he's forgotten how to use it. Any time he wants anything he whines it over and over and over. I've tried telling him he can't have what he wants until he uses his normal voice, but he just keeps saying the same thing over and over like he never heard me. I've tried telling him I can't understand what he's saying, I've tried telling him to say it in a nicer way, I've tried ignoring him, I've even tried whining back at him. No matter what I tried he just keeps whining the same thing over and over.
If we're in a situation where I can talk him out of what he wants I do, but that doesn't really teach him to stop whining.
Is this something he will just grow out of? Or can I do something else to encourage him to stop?
Re: Whining
After I posted this I tried showing him how to say it without whining. It kind of worked.
I said, we don't whine. Then I repeated it the way he said it in a whiny voice and then said "No! No whining." And then said it in a normal voice and said, "Yes, say it like that!" He repeated it in a normal voice. But then when I tried it again he didn't.
So maybe I just need to work on it.
muffin - He totally does have a super high voice when he whines! Normally it isn't that high, but when he requests something it gets super whiny.
I have no idea, but instead of whining, mine has decided to SCREAM. He just screams at the top of his lungs this weird yell. Today I decided I'm just going to start putting him in time out tomorrow for it. I can't take it anymore and DH gets this look like he might lose his mind everytime he does it. This month has been a very trying month in the almost 2 years old department.
Day long. I have no advice. Nothing had helped thus far.
Maybe it will hit home eventually. Just like the ten million other things I do repeatedly to get through his cute little head.
This. I try telling him my ears don't understand whining but then he just does it louder. Last night he kept pointing at something and whining stuff that didn't even make sense. I finally told him if he wanted it so bad to just get it. He stopped whining, got his cup, and sat down and played. ::shrugs::
We have this issue too. At our mom's group, the teacher told us that we need to decide what word we are going to use at our house to define a "normal" tone of voice. For us, we decided on "big boy voice". That way, both you and your SO are on the same page about it.
So every time he whines, I say, "Griffin, you need to use your big boy voice please." I also demonstrate for him how to do it, I'm not sure if that helped or not, but I say, if you want milk, just say, "more milk please mama." He has started copying me when I do that. It hasn't stopped him from whining yet, but he does understand when I ask him to use his big boy voice and he will ask for it again using a normal tone. Progress I suppose?