Baby Names

Live with Kelly and Michael

I don't know if anyone watched today but they talked about the baby girl named Hashtag that we discussed. Kelly asked if it was Hashtag or if they used the Hashtag symbol. Ha! Then at the end, they were reading emails, and someone sent in an email claiming they knew kids named Lemonjello and Orangejello....ummm sure you do! Right. Anyway, the other email was from someone knowing a family with the last name "Ham" and the kids names were Hickory and Heavenly. Lol....I love yummy ham.....
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Re: Live with Kelly and Michael

  • I rolled my eyes when they pulled out that old jello lie. Don't people check these things? And I would have found the ham one more believable had they said ylneveah it's heavenly backwards you know
  • Haha! I want ham too. I wanted to name Ryann, Amaya until I said it out loud with her last name which is pronounced cynic....Am-I-a-cynic....horrid.


    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

    Birdie born 05/01/2007
    Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017                                          

    Potato Launcher

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  • My mother had a high school teacher named Harold Wiener and went by Harry. I thought she was joking till she showed me her year book. 

    One of the my best friends from high school is now named Holly Jolly. Poor thing married into it! 

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