Woo hoooooo! I'm calling it quits on this shithole. After Tuesday's suggestion that I should have taken my flu-sick kid to the local hospital's drop-in daycare for semi-sick kids, that was really the straw that broke the camel's back.
So, tonight I will be exchanging my "I quit" with him handing over my paycheck. Bye-bye a-hole. Too bad you suck sooooo bad.
Re: The last day
I dont know your line of work- but, just becareful. It never hurts to give a notice. Just some unsolicited advice.
Some feel that the whole 2 week notice is archaic and not needed anymore- but I have always felt better about doing it especially when a new employer asks. But I have always had another job lined up after my notice so I dunno really.
My point is: I have no idea what I am talking about and if this makes you feel good and its what you want, congrats!!! Woohoo!
If so, glad you are done with that place! They sound like a nightmare to work for.
Good for you!
I don't post much, but I lurk quite a bit and I though what you did reporting your boss was gutsy. I never read any follow-up about what happened after you reported him? Anything come of it?
Yeah I admit, I don't know her work history there which she has shared here with some so.. good for her!!
Plus, he's a bully.
I hate bullies
As for the reporting him - he's on the short list for a surpise inspection. I wanted to wait to see that, because it would be SO COOL! Srsly! I just can't wait that long though.
I have the case manager's info. so I can check on it anytime.
“I’d marry again if I found a man who had $15 million and would sign over half of it to me before the marriage and guarantee he’d be dead in a year.” - Bette Davis
I bet it is the best feeling!!!