We can't seem to find something that works consistently at night for our 8 month old DD. We have tried the Kawaii goodnights stuffed with a combination of things. We have tried stuffing with microfiber, cotton prefolds, hemp inserts, prefold and hemp, etc. Nothing has worked. I just think they don't fit her very well because there are always gaps at her legs but if we don't stuff the diaper with much she leaks anyway because there's not enough absorbancy.
We've tried fitted with PUL covers and that is also hit or miss. I just recently bought a Kissaluvs wool cover to try. The first time using it was a giant fail so I lanolized it again. We tried it again with a Happy Hempy's diaper and she woke up dry. Then we just did the same combination last night and she woke up soaking wet. Please help! What else can I try? I don't like the thought of using disposables. I hate them.
Re: About to give up on nighttime cloth diapering
We use WAHM fitteds with a Joey bunz premium hemp insert laid behind it. During our LO's heaviest wetting phase, we also added another bamboo soaker. We also use a fleece liner for a stay dry effect.
I've never used the happy hemyp, but I would guess you need more absorbency. I have added (and removed) inserts during our ON journey based on my LO's wetness level. Depending on what you have, you could also try layering with MF or PFs.
I feel like I have tried every type of combination in terms of inserts. Also, whenever we add more absorbancy the diapers do not fit right around her legs. She has skinny legs and it's hard to get a good fit when I stuff the diaper with so much stuff. Is there anything I can add that won't add bulk? I've tried just using hemp inserts since they are thin but it's hit or miss. I've never tried bamboo inserts. Is Bamboo better than hemp?
A better fitted with a hemp insert (or two) under your wool cover. Sbish snapless is an economical and popular option (~$21) and available through Kelly's Closet or Abby's Lane. Other good WAHM options for super-soakers are Old School Cool or Twinkie Tush Night Night. I use an OSC with 2 hemp inserts or a TTNN with 1 under a wool cover.
I'm sorry you're having a hard time with them. We use Kawaii regular pockets double stuffed with microfiber.
Just a thought - we also put her on the potty for a few minutes before her evening bath and she usually does something there.
The key to any successful night time is basically the cover. Put a PUL cover over a pocket, AIO or fitted. My most successful covers have been ones with gussets such as the Pro Wraps Classic.