My older son has a cold and I have baby in the NICU. Today I kept older son home from DC to try to nurse this cold better. When should I go back to see my NICU baby? I feel terrible for not being there with him (I've been there everyday until today). But I don't want him to catch whatever his brother has. Thanks.
Trenton Elijah born three weeks early due to pre-e on April 14, 2011. Weighing 6lbs 6.3oz, 18 inches long.
Cameron Jacob (CJ) came early @ 25w4d on November 16, 2012 due to placenta abruption and incompetent cervix . Weighing 1lb 15.5oz, 14 inches long.
Expecting a winter baby. Stay put LO!
Re: How long until visit?
When my DD was in the NICU, there was another mom that I over heard the nurses talking on the phone. Her kids at home had colds and she thought she was coming down with something too. The nurse advised the mom not to come to the NICU until all of her and the kids symptoms subsided and stayed gone for at least a day after.
My heart breaks for you