Baby Names

MIL name vent

So, we found out a 100% that it's a girl and we are pretty set on a name: Sasha Helene

Helene is for my grandmother Helen, but as a happy coincidence Helen is also DH's maternal grandmother's name 

So I was excited to tell MIL that we would be naming the new baby after her mother, thinking she would be touched by the sentiment. Um, wrong

She responded by just short of demanding we name the baby after her: Sasha Sharon

I responded by saying "well, I hope you can warm up to the name because it means a lot to both DH and I to honor our grandmothers, but either way that's the name!" followed with an abrupt subject change

Later she called DH to try to talk him in to Sasha Sharon, even suggesting the baby could have two middle names Sasha Sharon Barbara Lastname (holy mouthful), to honor both my mother and her (how magnanimous) 

Yeah. I'm thankful we live far away. I learned my lesson about sharing the name beforehand, though she may have pulled these shenanigans either way.  I am mostly just amused by this, with a dash of exasperation. 

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Re: MIL name vent

  • Excellent job handling the situation. I LOVE Sasha Helene!

    MIL sounds like drama!

    I also love the sentiment of naming you DD after your grandmothers! Very special.

    Mother of  Sable Rene' & Clifton Michael
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  • I don't understand why people thing it's okay to demand a baby be named after them.... It's so rude and a bit egotistical, IMO.

    Your siggy picture is unbelievably cute.

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  • Haha! And what the hell makes her think you would want to name the baby after her when she tries to pull that crap!
  • Wow, I cannot believe how rude and pretentious your MIL is.  Why would anyone verbalize out loud that someone else's child be named after them?  Bottom line - your & DH's child = your & DH's decision on the name.  FWIW, I think it's awesome that you and DH share a family name to use.
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  • Entitled, isn't she?  You handled it perfectly.  I love the name, btw.
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  • That's just annoying. I think you handled it well, and chose two beautiful names Yes
  • Ugh, my Fil did the same thing. Fil is William, Dh is FN William LN.  Before we even found out we were having a boy when I was pg with Ds, Fil stated: You're naming him William. It wasn't a question, it was a demand. 

    Dh chimed in and said that our LO would not carry a family name and I mentioned that we were forgoing using my dad's name too (who is a Jr and had 3girls)  I kid you not, Fil started to CRY. In a busy restaurant!! I was so embarrassed and annoyed.  PPs were right, pretentious, egotistical, and down right annoying. 

    Sorry your Mil is even suggesting it, let alone demanding it. Tell her if she wants to name something after herself to buy a goldfish!!  

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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

    Rap Roller
  • People are crazy pants...when I hear things like this I vow to be an amazing MIL one day LOL... but really your MN is perfect!

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  • The simple act of someone demanding a child be named after her shows that she's not worthy of the honor.

    Sasha Helene is absolutely beautiful, don't let her get you down!

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  • That's appalling.
  • Sasha Helene is very nice. Sorry your MIL is so full of herself. :(
    Married 9-4-04

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  • Your MIL sounds like a peach. Sorry you have to deal with that. But you handled the situation really well! Sasha Helene is beautiful and I love the family sentiment! 
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  • That's so annoying.

    I love Sasha Helene. 

  • I have no idea why family members or other third parties think they have a stake in naming your child, it is insane!  I think Sasha Helene is very nice and Sasha Sharon sounds not so good :o)
  • I always find it funny on here when MILs try to get babies named after them. The nerve to ask someone to do that. Yeah, good thing you live far away. Plus, Helene is 1000x better than Sharon.

  • imageWashingtonQueen:
    Haha! And what the hell makes her think you would want to name the baby after her when she tries to pull that crap!

    This totally!!
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  • WOW, MIL sounds cray cray. PS your "little chicken's" eyes are huge and adorable/beautiful! I hope my baby's eyes are that big and round Big Smile

  • imageMrsTBird:
    Your MIL sounds like a peach. Sorry you have to deal with that. But you handled the situation really well! Sasha Helene is beautiful and I love the family sentiment! 

     This. Said perfectly.

  • That's awful! Not to mention, Sasha Sharon sounds terrible. I absolutely love Helene and it's great that it has meaning for both you and your husband. Good luck with your MIL!

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  • Helene is a waaaayyy better middle name than Sharon. Just sayin.

    Also, your daughter's eyes are crazy-huge and amazing! 

  • Wow.

    You handled it nicely and I like the name. :) 

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  • I have some serious MIL issues and if mine pulled that I would seriously be like..well I would name it after you..if I didn't hate your guts lol.
    Mommy to 2 handsome boys, expecting a princess!
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