Pre-School and Daycare

? about apps for Leap pad/Innotab

Hi there! I I'm thinking of getting a tablet for my DDs. I'm still going back & forth between a "kid" tablet or a Kindle Fire.  The durability of the Kindle is my main concern with two 3 yr olds.  I like the idea of free/cheap apps for the Kindle.  I have read many posts re: kid vs adult type tablets.  But I have a silly question...If I get a LeapPad/ Innotab, can I buy 1 app and use/load it for both tablets?  Any insight would be great...TIA 
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Notes:

Re: ? about apps for Leap pad/Innotab

  • You mean if you buy two leappads and one game? Yes, if you buy a cartridge, it can switch between. Or if you buy an online version of a game (which is what we do) you can download it on up to 3 devices. I am glad for this because DD1 has one and DS is getting one for christmas
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