
any other klutzes out there?

Hi All - 

I am pregnant with twins and due officially in March, though expecting the LO's in February.

I am, and have been before my pregnancy, a klutz. Spilling drinks, knocking into things.. I am not intentionally clumsy, things just happen. I think I'm clumsy mostly when I am in a rush...running out to work or to an appointment, I just rush and havoc ensues. Though,'s not the only times I am clumsy.

My husband jokes that he worries about our kids and at first I laughed it off, but now I am nervous. 

One thing that worries me...I take pills everyday, and will be for the rest of my life. They are always spilling or knocking over and - G-d forbid what if that happens when the babies are around and they accidentally swallow a pill or several?

I'm so nervous now and I don't know what to do! Help! Any other klutzes out there? How did you cope / adjust?


Re: any other klutzes out there?

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    Slow down and focus when it is time to take your pills. There's not much else you can do.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    I'm such a klutz, I broke my toe... in the hospital...while on bed rest. 

    Take your pills in the kitchen over the sink so if you drop one, it just goes down the drain. And do so while the babies are napping and you will be fine.  

    Single Mother by Choice. Life didn't work out the way I planned so I did it on my own. IUI #s 1-3, unmedicated = BFN, IUI #s 4-6, 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel = BFN IVF #1: 23R, 20M, 17F. 5 day transfer 2 blasts. 2 Snowbabies BFP 6dp5dt, Beta #1 7dp5dt = 58, Beta #2 9dp5dt = 114, Beta #3 10dp5dt = 187 1st Ultrasound = 5/3, not much to see yet. 2nd Ultrasound = 5/17, TWINS!!! Hospital Bed Rest at 32 weeks due to pre-ecclampsia and severe edema. Audrey Grace, 5lbs9oz, & Lydia Louise, 6lbs, born via emergency c-section on 12/6/12 at 36w1d My IVF Journey
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    I'm such a klutz, I broke my toe... in the hospital...while on bed rest. 

    That is so awesome. I can see myself doing that.

    I fell off the bleachers during my college graduation ceremony and took out 3 other graduates on the way down (in front of a huge audience of people with cameras, thankfully those were the days before Youtube). Those graduation robes are so slippery when you step on one. ; )

    As for the pills, you could put them into those daily pill sorter things the drug stores sell. That way it would be less likely they'd get into a bunch of them at once, or that you'd spill the whole bottle.  

    If you're really worried about it, start new habits now. Store them up high and be sure the lid is on tight every time you take one. It'll be 2nd nature after a while.

    Not long ago DD found one of the pain pills they gave me after my c-section in my purse. I was so delirious in those early days that I'd completely forgotten about it. I was terrified when I realized what she was munching on. But luckily it tasted so bad that she immediately made a terrible face and threw up.

    You could try chewing your pill next time, chances are it's not something delicious that a baby would want to eat a lot of. You still have to be careful of course, but it might help ease your worry a bit.  

    Married 07.07.07. Mom to 3: Ruby 11/08 and Oliver & Austin 12/11
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    thanks guys, but it's not just the pills.

    i was visiting a friend and she was showing me her double stroller (which was empty!) and naturally by merely looking at it and touching it, the car seat falls to the floor! everything just always falls around me - i can't do that when i'm carrying my babies!

    oh and even if the pills are in a high place...i'll open up a jar and before i know it, half the pills are on the floor - how does that even happen???

    MelleTX - sorry about the broken toe! :-( 


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