8 Weeks Pregnant

Anyone showing yet?

I have a bump, but I am afraid it's bloat. Is anyone else noticing they have a bump yet?
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Re: Anyone showing yet?

  • Hey there!

    Yes, as a matter of fact, I've noticed a bump myself. No matter how I try to suck it in, it still sticks out there. Even though I've read that you aren't suppose to show for a few more weeks. I'm thinking it's just bloat.

  • I am rocking the "bloat bump" this week! So I am headed to Marshalls or TJ Maxx to buy some cheap fat pants for work for the next couple of weeks. I got caught with mine unbuttoned after lunch. whoops.
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  • I'm in the same boat ladies! I was asked by several people on Thanksgiving if I was sure I wasn't further along than I thought, but no I'm just 8 weeks. I know that it can't just be "baby" there, since the baby is apparently just the size of a raspberry. I guess its just a little extra padding and bloat, but yeah there's definitely a bump there!
  • I'm not showing yet with a baby bump, but definitely an air baby!  Can't button or zip my pants and already had to get a belly band!  (totally love it, though)  Ready to actually start showing and FEEL SOMETHING *kicks, etc* but trying to enjoy the time I am in so far.  Love knowing that I'm pregnant!  I'm sure you all are, too!
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • Right there with ya! I'm only 8 weeks tomorrow, but I'm already pretty bloated. The low panel maternity jeans are fabulous. I grabbed a few from Gap on Black Friday weekend. Highly recommend them!
    TTC 4 years IVF 10/31/10- 12 eggs, 8 embryos, 2 frozen 1 ET, low Hcg, saw heartbeat at 6w2d miscarried 9 weeks NaPro Technology- 1 year IVF 10/26/12- 7 eggs, 3 embryos, 0 frozen 2 ET grade A, 8 cells 12dp3dt 205 14dp3dt 300 18dp3dt 783 24dp3dt 3842, 1st US, 5w6d 126bpm, 7w1d BabyFruit Ticker
  • hello

    I have a slight bump myself it just started filling out i look as though i am full all the time. This is my second child so i don't know if the skin is just starting to harden in the belly or i could be bloated?????

  • I'm calling mine my " mommy bump" because its too early for a baby bump! Also, it's smaller in the morning and bigger in the afternoon, so definitely bloat.
  • i have a bump already its not totally hard but its round. this is my third child and i've read u show earlier the more children you have. i love my little bump (:
  • I am also 8 weeks and feel very bloated. I know it can't be a bump yet, but it certainly looks like a baby is growing in my belly! I started wearing my yoga pants b/c they are very comfy.  My friend suggested that I purchase a belly band for when my clothes begin to get too tight :-)
  • O good I'm glad i'm not the only only one. lol I have one pair of jeans that i can button but its uncomfortable so i was using a rubber band to hold the zipper up and it made it more comfy but i think i'm off to get the fat bands too. I am also 8 weeks today and am rocking the bump!!
  • I seem to be showing but I do believe I'm bloated a little so I'm trying to eat healthy to help the bloating .
  • I read on bellybelly.com week-to-week pregnancy description that you may start to see the top of your uterus over the top of your uterus in week 8. 
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  • Yes i have a big bloat bump!! Im 8w today: need new trousers already an bump gets bigger as the day goes on!!!
  • I feel like I was showing my bloated bump for the last month; but now it's starting to look more like a bump bump then just bloat, but in my mind I know it's not baby. My girlfriend is 6 weeks ahead of me, and she just started showing so I know mine can't be baby yet. I also bought maternity pants because I was tired of being so uncomfortable by the end of the work day. I feel better just for that.
  • Im only 7 weeks but I have the bloat belly going on too. Flat tummy by day bloat belly by night lol....its my 5th pregnancy im a surrogate mom, lucky for me im a nurse so I get to wear comfy scrubs at work yoga pants home! Congrats to all you mommies!!!
  • I am def poking out although I already had a belly to start.this makesraby 5
  • I am 8wks and I have a bump,,I say its bloating,,my husband swears it's the baby

    so I am totally rocking the bump,,pants quit fitting so I just bought some really

    cute sun dresses,,so excited!

  • I have a massive bump already at 8 weeks! It's my fourth and my doctor says that my body is just "prepared", but I'vr already had people asking when I'm due, so it's definitely an obvious baby bump not just bloating. I'm keepng my fingers crossed that I stay this same size for the next several months since I easily look 6 months along...
  • I've definitely got a bump going on... It doesn't feel like bloat though. On my internal ultrasound, it looks like either a lot of fat tissue or membrane, which is causing the bump. I knew that I would be prone to twins too because my grandmother was one, my father was one of three sets of twins and there was one more set on my mother's side as well... So, I'm thinking my early bump may be just that. Only saw one baby on the ultrasound though, but maybe there's one hiding behind the other. 
  • I definitely feel like I'm getting a bump. Others have pointed out that it looks like I have one as well. Part of me feels like it's much too early and makes me concerned that I'm experiencing early weight gain but then I read through other comments and it made me feel much more at ease. Some of us must just show earlier than others. I haven't quite decided if it's major bloating (which is common for me since I have a gluten intolerance) or a baby bump or both.

    I bought maternity pants last week because I couldn't stand how tight my pants would feel after eating and it has made ALL the difference. Bloat or baby bump - my husband loves it and thinks it's so cute. I'm rockin' it either way! :) 

  • I'm so glad you posted this! I'm 8 weeks along, with my second child, and my belly is much more than just a "bump". My belly now looks like my 5 or 6 month pics with my first child, and I was feeling really self conscious about it, but i'm glad to know I'm not the only one! So thank you!!
  • txdz14txdz14 member
    I am so encouraged to read all these responses. I'm 8w3d and i have had to start wearing the flowy dresses and skirts since my jeans and pants are so tight now!! And mine is worse at night too! No matter what I do, it won't "suck in". Thanks for all the support. This really cheered me up today!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Shewww. Happy to see this! I was worrying I was gaining weight too fast. I've been a workout fanatic the last two years and my ob cut me back drastically and I actually haven't had much energy anyway! My hubby pointed out my "pooch" and while im grateful for it I was a but worried! Thank you ladies. 
    "For this child I have prayed and You have granted me my request." (Samuel 1:
  • I also got caught haha! "Fat" pants it is.
  • Thank god I'm not the only one. I can't barely fit into any of my clothes. I know part of it is I had a bladder infection and a cyst on my ovary scary since I was told by the nurse to go to the er in case of ectopic pregnancy. It wasn't yeah. But
    So exhausted I haven't exercised but a few times these last. 8 weeks and my eating habits went down the tubes too. I just don't feel good. I really hope the energy comes back so I don't end up looking like a house and people confuse the pregnancy as just fat.
  • I'm 8w 3d Oh I most definitely have the bloated belly bump by midday. In the mornings I'm totally normal, but by the evening if I don't suck it in....I could be 3 months! Ha! Though I haven't gained any weight yet my belly doesn't seem to realize that means I shouldn't have to keep my pants unbuttoned!
    CafeMom Tickers
  • im known for cysts on my ovuaries and i went to the er because discomfort on my right side and back and over my vagina area.ultrasound said the baby is 6wks but based on my period im 8wks. the dr also explained there a cyst on my ovaury and i immediately got worried. she immediaitely put my fears to rest and said you need the cyst in order to maintain the pregnancy. that that cyst helps produce a hormone your body needs to support the pregancy and without it the pregancy can not maintain.just though that might help you also.
  • I can't figure out if I'm showing because this is my third baby in four years or if it's because I'm just bloated... ;-) but my pants fit fine, however there is an unmistakable bump.  My second baby I didn't show until about week 18... we shall see!
  • I'm showing.. can't wear my jeans anymore : but this is my third pregnancy in seven years with my first child I started showing about 13 weeks with my second at about 10 weeks and this one it seems as if it started at 7 m. Dula says its because my body already knows what's going on and is preparing today I am 8 weeks 2days : super excited for our new addition to the family
  • I am so happy I found this post, this is my second pregnancy and I'm on the same boat.  I quit smoking 4 months before I conceived and gained 10lbs.  The problem is...those ten pounds went straight to my belly - before I conceived I would even joke around saying that I wasnt chunky, I was just prego.  Well...then I conceived and I am 8 weeks 1 day pregnant today and I look like I am about 5 months along.  This is crazy...its definitely bloating and the extra pounds from not smoking, but its seriously all in my belly...my arms still look like noodles. 

    I know its definitely not a baby bump....because my belly is not hard.  It should be hard towards the lower part of my abdomen.  Although, subsequent pregnancies do tend to show sooner.  What's even weirder is that people assumed I was pregnant BEFORE I even conceived?!?!?!

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  • I am only 8 weeks and 4 days. This is my first pregnancy and I am not showing yet but I can see my tummy starting to round up a little bit. And once you feel like you're getting "fat" not much after that you'll start showing.

  • I'm glad I'm not the only one 'showing'! I know it can't be the baby as she's only the size of a raspberry. However my wife swears my tummy has a different shape from my regular pouch. And it feels different: harder and I cannot suck it in! The idea of showing makes me happy although we are not ready to tell everybody. We are even waiting for our first prenatal app to tell the grandparents.
  • You know the only thing that has helped me with water retention related bloat is drinking pedialyte mixed with water. It's like 1 part pedialyte to every 5 parts water (estimate...I just do it by looking :) ) and it helps flush me out better than plain water, or water w lemon. 


    Other than that I feel you! I can't believe how tight my pants are already :( And I haven't been over eating...I've been watching!  

  • Someone on the March forum called it a "blump" - oh how true it is. Now that's what I'm calling it until I'm sure it's one or the other haha!
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