Cloth Diapering

How many AIO do I need?

This will be my first baby and DH and I have decided we would like to do CD. He wants to do AIO only. I have looked at different types and the Bum genius Elemental AIO's seem perfect. How many do I need? Also I understand I will need NB CD and CD for when she gets bigger.
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Re: How many AIO do I need?

  • In order to do cloth full time you'll need around 18-24 diapers in order to wash every other day. BG elementals are a one size system, so you'll need a separate NB stash, but once your LO is around 10-12lbs you should be good to go.

    BG diapers are one of my favourites, but I found that out through trial and error. There are a lot of other really good AIO's on the market that you should consider too. I love AIO's, but wouldn't want a stash full of them since they take a really long time to dry (even when you throw them in the dryer).

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  • Don't buy all of them before your baby comes.  Just like different brands of jeans fit every body differently, the diapers may not fit your LO the way you expect.  I bought a couple each of 6 different kinds and have favorites.

    That said, BGs are really popular and they work really well for my LO. 

    I have about 35 diapers in a combination of AIOS, Fitteds and pockets. Plus I have 18 prefolds.

    That's way more than necessary.  I bought them when DD was a newborn and needing to be changed about 12 times a day.  I could have definitely managed with around 20-24 with no problems.


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  • We use the BG freetimes.  They are AIO also, but they dry quickly because the inserts are only attached on one side.  They dry in 50 minutes on medium low in my dryer.  We have 24 of them, and wash 3 times a week.  We have yet to run out of diapers in that time.  However, I have now purchased 5 more diapers just because they were cute.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
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  • is having a really good sale on BG right now you can get the free time with hook and loop for $14 ( there newborn BG are $10.36. I think all of there BG are 15 - 20% off. It's really a good deal! I just started my stash of diapers:)
    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • We have twelve BG Elemental, seven BG Freetime (six of which have Aplix for easy night changes), and five Swaddlebees Simplex AIO (my favorite- just ordered six more!!). Currently, I do laundry every other day (I also have some FuzziBuns, but use them only for emergencies as I dislike pockets). I adore the Elemental, but they take forever to dry (at least two dry cycles, or a dry cycle and a solid 12-24 hours when hung in the house). If I had to reorder, I'd get more of the Freetime (which dry in one cycle) and fewer of the Elemental for that very reason. We didn't start till LO was five weeks (she is nine weeks now), but we go through 8-12 dipes per day. GL!
  • Like the pp's are saying, the Elementals take a while to dry, especially if you are trying to line dry them. I have 18 BG Freetimes, which are my go to night time dipe, 6 Elementals, and 4 BottomBumpers.  I wash every other day. I just ordered two SwaddleBee Simplex's to give them a try. I wouldn't make a stash of all the same dipe, especially before your LO is here because dipes fit every baby different. 
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