
4 weeks past due

Is that even possible these days? I've got a (guy) friend that ku a girl he was casually hooking up with. They didn't live in the same state. She was due on 11/3. We are all thinking that his to be baby momma either got her dates wrong or something is off totally. Will a dr. allow someone to go this long past her due date?

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Re: 4 weeks past due

  • imagecgr8979:
    Is that even possible these days? I've got a guy friend that ku a girl he was casually hooking up with. They didn't live in the same state. She was due on 11/3. We are all thinking that his to be baby momma either got her dates wrong or something is off totally. Will a dr. allow someone to go this long past her due date?



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  • That would be a big negative. At 42 weeks the placenta starts breaking down and if labor hasn't occured naturally by then a doctor is going to intervene.

    If he didn't sleep with this girl past that window I would be pushing for a dna test.

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  • No.  I think the farthest they will allow you to go past your due date is 2 weeks.  That's insane and dangerous for the baby.
    Mom to two beautiful girls and forever labor buddy to the fab lady MandaPanda518!
  • That's exactly what we're all thinking. We hate to tell him this b/c I'm sure he's smart enough to figure it out himself. But, before I told him anything I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't off my rocker for thinking the obvious!  

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  • I was 3 weeks/3 days late but there was placental breakdown and other complications...these days there is no way a dr would allow that..
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  • Welll... I hope he figures it out before too long.
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  • imageRockyTopVols:

    Is that even possible these days? I've got a guy friend that ku a girl he was casually hooking up with. They didn't live in the same state. She was due on 11/3. We are all thinking that his to be baby momma either got her dates wrong or something is off totally. Will a dr. allow someone to go this long past her due date?





  • Is she REFUSING to be induced?

    I have an aunt that has a condition to where her body refuses labor. At 40+ weeks, her doctors warned her of all the things that could go wrong, but she was pretty dead set on a natural labor/delivery, so her doctors couldn't do anything about it.

    She ended up FINALLY delivering at 45 weeks.

  • Maybe she's 4 weeks past term, or one week past her due date?  Or a liar who wants to nail him for child support b/c the baby daddy ran off? 

    My DD #1 was born at 41w3d and her placenta was so calcified the doctor was convinced that she'd lost weight in the last 10 days in utero. Most doctors won't go to 42 weeks let alone past it.  

  • imagecgr8979:
    Is that even possible these days? I've got a guy friend that ku a girl he was casually hooking up with. They didn't live in the same state. She was due on 11/3. We are all thinking that his to be baby momma either got her dates wrong or something is off totally. Will a dr. allow someone to go this long past her due date?

    Um....11/13 was only 2 weeks ago, not 4.

    And maybe she said she was 4 wk past term 37 weeks is term to my knowledge
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  • I dont think most docs allow for more than a week past dd because of baby poops. No I dont remember the official term for that.

    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



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  • imageRockyTopVols:

    Is that even possible these days? I've got a guy friend that ku a girl he was casually hooking up with. They didn't live in the same state. She was due on 11/3. We are all thinking that his to be baby momma either got her dates wrong or something is off totally. Will a dr. allow someone to go this long past her due date?




    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



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  • imageKitiara5512:

    I dont think most docs allow for more than a week past dd because of baby poops. No I dont remember the official term for that.

    Meconium.   I know it because my DD was swimming in it when she came out.  She went straight to the NICU nurses. 


  • My Mom was born a month past due. However, that was in the 60's... Sooooo, yeah.
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  • imageJessys_Girl:
    Is that even possible these days? I've got a guy friend that ku a girl he was casually hooking up with. They didn't live in the same state. She was due on 11/3. We are all thinking that his to be baby momma either got her dates wrong or something is off totally. Will a dr. allow someone to go this long past her due date?
    Um....11/13 was only 2 weeks ago, not 4. And maybe she said she was 4 wk past term 37 weeks is term to my knowledge

    the 3rd.

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  • I just don't trust this girl. He told me that when he got her pregnant she had her tubes tied so he never thought this would happen. I totally started giving her the side eye the moment that came out of his mouth. She's already got one child, but she's way too young imo to justify something like that. He's told a mutual friend that she's got toxemia and thats why that haven't induced her yet. I'm like...uhhhh that's a HUGE reason why they WOULD induce. So, there are a lot of questionable things about this whole pregnancy from start to current that make me not want to trust a word she and now what he says.

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  • Yeah, if she has toxemia and has reached her due date there's no way the doctors would allow her to stay pregnant another day. Either she's lying or she's refusing to be induced, which some people do, but I think that's nuts after 2 weeks past your due date (I can understand it until then). In 1986 my mom had to lie to her doctor and tell him the baby hadn't moved in 24 hours to get him to induce when she was 3 weeks past her due date! But no doctors do that anymore.
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  • The chick is totally lying about her due date. 



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • imagemrebecca:
    Welll... I hope he figures it out before too long.
    Welcome back!  Haven't seen ya in awhile.
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  • He better get a test before signing the birth certificate!
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    Labor Buddy to Blowfish11
  • imageashleysyn2:

    You guys are all wrong. My mom was totes pregnant for 11 months.

    Oh, wait, she was crazy and told everyone she was pregnant when she actually wasn't, including all of my friends.

    That was a good 11 months.

    Say what?

    Yeah, what the what?

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  • It's a trap!

    DNA test!

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