Baby Names


What do you think of Phoebe? Has it been long enough since Friends ended?

Bonus Question: Phoebe or Penelope?

Re: Phoebe

  • I still automatically think of Friends. I'm sure that I always will because she was such an iconic character and it's a unique enough name. Same with Chandler. The other names on the show don't have the same effect for me.

    My vote would be for Penelope. Cute!

  • I think of Friends because I have never met a Phoebe IRL. I really don't think the Friends connection would be a problem though.

    I would choose Penelope over Phoebe.

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  • I think of Friends. I've never met anyone named Phoebe, so that's probably why. I think it is an okay name - I don't have strong feelings either way. I wouldn't use it myself.

     I definitely prefer Penelope.

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  • I think of Friends, but I also think it's been long enough that it's not such a big deal. I don't really like the potential of being called Feeb/Feebs though. I like Penelope much better! And I love the NNs Penny & Poppy. 
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  • I like both, but I love Penelope!
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  • I seems to be picking up in popularity, I know 2 people with babies called Phoebe
  • imageCrys1925:

    I still automatically think of Friends. I'm sure that I always will because she was such an iconic character and it's a unique enough name. Same with Chandler. The other names on the show don't have the same effect for me.

    My vote would be for Penelope. Cute!

    same here, on all accounts

    besides, there are (and I think there will be for a loooooong time) re-runs of Friends all over the world

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  • imagemimi4347:
    I think of Friends, but I also think it's been long enough that it's not such a big deal. I don't really like the potential of being called Feeb/Feebs though. I like Penelope much better! And I love the NNs Penny & Poppy. 

    Ahh Poppy is such a cute NM :)

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  • I don't think of Friends i actually think of Charmed. Which is probably what happens when i tell people that we are goin to use Piper. That bein said i love the name Phoebe.
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  • The name Phoebe is one of my least favorite names. It is such a "rough" name. Penelope is much cuter!
    June 2006-married Bug... April 2009-gave birth to Pinky... January 2012-gave birth to Cakes
  • I automatically think of Friends but it's my all time favourite show so it wouldn't stop me but I do like Penelope more than Pheobe.
    "I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass." Maya Angelou
    ~ Auntie to L: 2013 and Peanut: EDD 11/2014 ~

  • For some reason I group Phoebe with Chloe - interesting names, but a little on the cutesy side for me.  Penelope is just okay for me also, but I would choose it over Phoebe.
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  • I like them both!
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  • I think only people that are peers of us would automatically think of Phoebe from Friends.  Aside from Phoebe from friends, my other very strong association with this name is Phoebe Cates.  Not a bad association IMO.

    Phoebe over Penelope, for sure.  Aside from the sudden popularity of the latter, the clunkiness of  Penelope always trips me up. 


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    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • imagefitzpemberley:
    For some reason I group Phoebe with Chloe interesting names, but a little on the cutesy side for me.nbsp; Penelope is just okay for me also, but I would choose it over Phoebe.

    Exactly this. I clump it in the same category as Chloe, Zoe and even Tori. Unless you're Lisa Kudrow, I don't see it aging well. But, at least, it's a whole lot less popular than Penelope. Lil' Penelopes are popping up everywhere... near me anyway!
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  • imageHelenahhandbasket:

    I think only people that are peers of us would automatically think of Phoebe from Friends.  Aside from Phoebe from friends, my other very strong association with this name is Phoebe Cates.  Not a bad association IMO.

    Phoebe over Penelope, for sure.  Aside from the sudden popularity of the latter, the clunkiness of  Penelope always trips me up. 

    I think of Phoebe Cates, not Phoebe from Friends.  I love the name and like it more than Penelope, but only because Penelope seems to be getting popular - not because I don't like the name.  GL
  • I didn't think of Friends at all.  I really like it.

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    i'm thinking of using it if we have a girl next and the friends association doesn't bother me at all.  Phoebe is moving up on the charts though.

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  • Phoebe is on my list! I love Friends, but it's not like your LO will be surrounded by 2 year old Friends fans! I vote Phoebe!

    PS I hate this on mobile. I can't stand the lack of dashes and parenthesis!

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  • I know a woman named Phoebe who is the senior VP of a very well-known and prominent company.  I think it can age well and while Friends comes to mind, it isn't a direct association- or a bad one at that.
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