Food Allergy

Question for other MSPI moms

I breastfeed my son, who has MSPI. He is very sensitive so I don't eat any dairy or soy at all (not even soy lecithin or soy oil). He also has elocare formula that I have because he needed the supplementing when he was younger, but he hardly ever gets it now. At his 4 month well visit, they said he wasn't gaining enough weight and I should give him a bottle of formula a day and to put extra powder in it so it has more calories in it and to start him on solids with rice cereal first. So I found a cereal without soy and started giving him that and the bottle with formula. He is having issues with either the extra formula or the cereal, probably both. I kind of just want to not give him the extra formula or the cereal, and start giving him purees (homemade) when he feels better. Anyway, he normally seems healthy, he's happy, he has enough dirty diapers, he's developing fine, and he did gain weight, just not enough apparently. He gained 9oz from his 2 month well to his 4 month well. Anyway, do any other breastfeeding MSPI moms have issues with their baby's weight gain? And what did you do about it?

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Re: Question for other MSPI moms

  • Babies should gain .5 to 1 oz per day. So a gain of 9 ounces in two months is far below that. Their weight gain naturally slows once they start crawling and are burning more calories, but your LO isn't at that stage yet. I wouldn't give rice cereal in an attempt to bulk LO up. Breastmilk or formula has more calories per ounce than rice cereal. Plus, rice cereal tends to cause constipation.

    How many times does LO nurse in a day? How is your supply? I'd focus on getting more/better quality nursing sessions in. Make sure LO finishes the first side, so he gets plenty of the fatty hindmilk. Then you can offer the second side as dessert.

    If you do want to go the solids route, I would offer avocado since that has more calories and lots of healthy fat.

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    DD1: allergic to eggs & dairy Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    c/p 4/1/11

    DD2: milk and soy protein intolerant, allergic to eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, bananasBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    MSPI Moms Check-In Blog
  • I have had the same problem. She didn't really gain any weight between 4 and 6 months. I have not given any cereals. I've just been trying to have her nurse as much as possible. I've also tried some solids. She had a reaction after eating avocado, so that's out. I am starting to do some potatoes since they are higher in calories and occasionally adding olive oil to her veggies. Good luck. I know how stressful it can be.
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  • Thanks girls. I definitely feel better about adding another BF session, or trying to make them last longer, rather than adding cereal or the extra formula that's upsetting his belly. He is very distracted when nursing now, I will try and get away from everything when I BF hopefully that will help. We go for a weight check next week hopefully he will have gained something.
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