
Holy Exhaustion!

The past few days my exhaustion has really set in. I'm 27 weeks with twins and I just feel like it's too soon to be THIS tired. I'm sitting at my desk trying to keep my eyes open and dreading the walk down the hall to get some water because even that seems like too much. I even got the best sleep ever last night. I feel like I'm back in my 1st trimester hell again. Awful!

I'm hoping I get some energy back for my shower and crib shopping/room decorating this weekend. Didn't expect to be so tired so soon! When did your exhaustion set in and did it last until you had your babies??

Re: Holy Exhaustion!

  • I got increasingly more exhausted as my pregnancy progressed, and I was definitely wiped out almost 24/7 by 25 weeks.
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  • Yea the exhaustion hit for me right around the third tri mark I felt like physically I was still able to do things I just was too tired. Now by 31 weeks my body had caught up and everything hurt too bad to do much. So my advice is that if you still have stuff that needs done barrel through and try to do it in the next couple weeks even though you are tired because it will only get worse! : / Sorry not very comforting, just my experience.
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  • 30 weeks was definitely a turning point for me in the exhaustion's also been increasingly harder to sleep at night so that probably doesn't help matters. Ditto PP about trying to get as much done as possible before the third tri, but also listen to your body and don't overdo it! GL!
  • I started to feel more tired and less mobile around 28 weeks, but it has gotten progressively worse since then.  Now I am struggling to walk or be on my feet for more than 5 minutes at a time.  
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