My Last period was on 10/8/2012.
I had 4-5 days of very light spotting the week of 10/22/2012
Nothing remotely close to a period.
A few days before my expected period I had a little blood in my shorts after the gym. But after that nothing. That was on 11/5/2012.
I have, however, been really moody and emotional. I have been having cramps as well. I've thrown up a few times since my last period but nothing really drastic. And now 11/26/12 my breasts are super sore and have been for about a week. ll The entire breast area and my nipples are really sensitive and I now have a LARGER APPETITE.!
I HAVE ALWAYS HAD A 28 DAY CYCLE. Never longer than 32. NEVERhave i missed my period since I started mensturating, I am really worried I may be pregnant, but im trying to not think about it too much because I dont want to stress even more and then really not get a solid result.
Could I be pregnant even tho I have taken 4 tests and they were all negative. Should i get blood work done?
Re: symptoms but negative test. missed period week 3.
I'll go ahead and give you the response the TTC board will give you.....
negative test = not pregnant. Test once a week until you get your cycle or get a BFP. If it gets to 60 days with neither, call you ob. As for your is cold and flu season.
Baby C - 08.23.13