DD had the flu over Thanksgiving, so her sleep schedule is totally screwed up. Since tomorrow brings us back to our regularly scheduled programming, we put DD to bed about 8pm (Her usual bedtime is 7:30). Well she woke up just before 10 and wouldn't go back to sleep. DH got her out of bed, and after eating enough snacks to rival a teenage boy, she started up a dance party. She has a book that plays about 5 different songs, and she has a certain dance she does to each song. She forced DH to do the dances with her. It was the cutest thing ever. Well, when we put her back to bed, she insisted on taking that blasted book with her. Since she is still a little puny, I gave in, telling DH that surely she won't play with it much longer (I was wrong). 20 minutes later, we are sitting here cracking up at hearing her over the monitor. She apparently keeps hitting the wrong button (her room is dark), and it is making her mad. We hear the 'Hula' song start up, followed by a very aggrivated DD saying "NO, Alligator song!'. Rinse and repeat. She has now tried at least 6 times in a row to unsuccessfully play the Alligator song. It keeps getting more funny every time.
Re: Cracking Up
I am giggling. I needed that. I was annoyed over stupid passive aggressive crap, and now I'm laughing.
Toddlers rock.
Haha! That's great! Do y'all have a video monitor? It would be very entertaining to see her while she's fighting her book
ETA: Also, I'm jealous that your LO will go to her bed on her own (even if it is with a book/toy).
We don't have a video monitor, but I sure wish we did.
Also, she is still in a crib, so the going to bed alone stuff may change when we finally switch her to a bed. I pray that isn't the case.