We don't have a first name chosen for DD but I keep thinking about middle names. With DS we honored my father, one of DHs brothers & DHs grandfather. So we tied in both sides of the family and used James.
Rewind to 2 weeks ago MIL messages me wanting to know if we will be using her name anywhere in DD name and she also suggested using letters from her name and my moms to make a middle name.. I was kind of dumb struck by this. Im not super close with my MIL and she doesn't have a middle name and her first name is not one I would choose (Tre.na {period for google search purposes}) My mothers middle name is Marilyn (first name Barbara) which I like and I also like Lyn/Lynn. But now I feel like we can't use just my mothers name.
What would you do? Anyone use letters from names to form a name...
A few names from the moms names I have come up with
Any other ideas?
Maverick James 01.07.2012 * Married 01.23.2010 * Harper Skye 01.24.2013
Re: not sure what to do?
Did you already have a name chosen? What did you say to your MIL?
I probably would have responded, "We do have a name chosen!" and I would have been honest with her about whether or not her name was going to be a part of it. I think. But my MIL never put me in that position, so... Awkward.
This but I do love Bree!
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
Thank you for your responses.
I simply told her we hadnt even thought of middle names yet because we do not even have a first name chosen.
She responded with another awkward comment.. oy.
I would love to honor my mother but of course I would because my mother is amazing and I love her to the moon. I also hate feeling like I would leave someone out. Yeesh.
Maverick James 01.07.2012 * Married 01.23.2010 * Harper Skye 01.24.2013
I would ignore her unless you wanted to combine the names. If you come up with a FN you love and a MN to go with it then name your baby those names.
Ones that come to mind using the names are Marina, Lynna, Marlina, but I would not be pushed by her rudeness. She spoiled not only the naming, but had you thought of honoring her it would now feel forced.
And Melina just came to mind too
No, her maiden name wouldn't work.
Thanks for the input ladies :
Maverick James 01.07.2012 * Married 01.23.2010 * Harper Skye 01.24.2013