
Triplet meltdown

It happened. My girls are seven weeks old. I am following a triplet mama blog in Australia, and her latest post inspired me to try tandem breast feeding again. Three hysterical infants, two freaked out dogs, one cracked nipple and two stressed out parents later I'm regretfully reporting that it was a major fail. I want so desperately to get faster at feedings, but two at once isn't the way yet. It seriously takes an hour and a half to care for everyone. Any triplet mamas out there have any resources that helped them? Any feeding tips you have to share? I'm trying to fight the tears and remain positive but it's getting kind of hard.
4/13/12--1st u/s. IDENTICAL TRIPLETS (?!?) PAIF and SAIF welcome Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: Triplet meltdown

  • We bottle fed and it was about an hour to get through it. I fed one at a time, too. Somehow even tandem bottle feeding took longer than one at a time. And when mine hit their due date, they got significantly crankier. But this will pass! Hang in there...
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  • I only had twins and it took me over an hour to feed them at that stage with burping etc. hang in there!
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  • [quote user="pea. And when mine hit their due date, they got significantly crankier. But this will pass! Hang in there...

    Crap. We were thinking things would improve at their due date! Did you ever know what made them crankier? DH and I are at a lossmaybe they aren't eating enough bottle fed EBM 3 oz, 23 breastfeedings/day, maybe they aren't stimulated enough but they have to sleep so much to grow, maybe they need changed, have diaper rash, hate our house, are hot, are coldack!!! C'mon tomorrow! Be better than today!
    4/13/12--1st u/s. IDENTICAL TRIPLETS (?!?) PAIF and SAIF welcome Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • They were so easy up to that point. Slept, ate, pooped. Slept, ate, poop. Rarely cried. I thought, "this is a piece of cake!"

    And then they became like typical newborns. Awake more, more demanding, not so easily placated. It wasn't that anything was wrong with them, they were just still in that preemie phase before that.

    Mine were formula fed, about 90%, and I can't say if that helped them stay full longer, and made it easier to keep them on a schedule.

    How to tell my boys apart

    The different types of twins and triplets
    Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
    My blog * We made the national news!
  • So sorry you're having a rough time! Do you thnk your girls have an issue with latching? I know that made tandem feeding really difficult with my twins because one got so frantic whenhe couldn't latch. The NICU LC gave me a nipple shield, and it's done wonders. I also tried to practice tandem feeding before they got to the crying from hunger stage. It helped that no one was feeling anxious. You're a great mommy for trying so hard! I hope you find something that works for your family soon. ((hugs))
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • imageyinyang124:
    So sorry you're having a rough time! Do you thnk your girls have an issue with latching? I know that made tandem feeding really difficult with my twins because one got so frantic whenhe couldn't latch. The NICU LC gave me a nipple shield, and it's done wonders. I also tried to practice tandem feeding before they got to the crying from hunger stage. It helped that no one was feeling anxious. You're a great mommy for trying so hard! I hope you find something that works for your family soon. hugs

    Both great suggestions, thank you! My two smallest still us the nipple shield, I'm trying to wean my biggest off of italso adding to frustrations. The NICU LC is a saint. I want her to live here. She's amazing, and the source of my nipple shields too. : IF I ever try again I will tandem breast feed BEFORE they are starving. IF.
    4/13/12--1st u/s. IDENTICAL TRIPLETS (?!?) PAIF and SAIF welcome Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageRobinR91:
    So sorry you're having a rough time! Do you thnk your girls have an issue with latching? I know that made tandem feeding really difficult with my twins because one got so frantic whenhe couldn't latch. The NICU LC gave me a nipple shield, and it's done wonders. I also tried to practice tandem feeding before they got to the crying from hunger stage. It helped that no one was feeling anxious. You're a great mommy for trying so hard! I hope you find something that works for your family soon. hugs
    Both great suggestions, thank you! My two smallest still us the nipple shield, I'm trying to wean my biggest off of italso adding to frustrations. The NICU LC is a saint. I want her to live here. She's amazing, and the source of my nipple shields too. : IF I ever try again I will tandem breast feed BEFORE they are starving. IF.

    Latch issues are so frustrating. I feel so bad for LO because they seem so panicky. :( Definitely take it one step at a time and ease into it when you are ready! I <3 my LC too. I'd be FFing without her. 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Ages ago there was a poster on here who EBF triplets. She had a blog, not sure if it's this one or one of the commenters on this post but you could try asking them directly also only have twins and it took over an hour to nurse both in the beginning.
  • Check out Jennandtonicas blog, she BF her triplets.
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  • It took me awhile to get the hang of tandem feeding my two.  I think its amazing that you are BFing your triplets.  I agree with the PP about practicing before they get hungry.  I think that there is a section about nursing triplets in the Mothering multiples book as well.  The book is also a page on FB
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