I put in one of the confessions that I forgot to call my dad on Thanksgiving. I called him yesterday and left a voicemail that I felt like a butthole for forgetting.
I still haven't heard from him.
Good thing we never had that great of a relationship or I would have actually felt let down.
Re: Still haven't heard from my dad.
I called my mom on TG'ing and left a message also. I got a text message late last night that her phone was off and that was the last I heard.
Family stuff sucks during the holidays. Don't get too down on yourself. You can only do what you can do and you can't change the way people react to things.
I'm sorry. Boys drool. (Even our Dads, sometimes.)
It's showing his mobile up on FB. But seriously I didn't call him on Turkey day but that means he didn't call me either. And now he can't return a phone call?!
Pfft, your farking loss dude.