
I'm coming in...

Here's my intro for those who care:
FTM, just had my DS, Cu, on Oct. 27th.

2 dogs.... Sad story: my sweet "Loose Goose" passed away while we were in the hospital with Cu... But I still can't bring myself to say we just have 2 dogs without clarifying that part.

Married. My H works all.the.time so I spend an inordinate amount of time bumping lately. I thought I'd bump less when on mat leave, but here I sit.

Anyway, Nov 2012 is dead now with everyone either miserably pregnant or just having their babies... Y'all are always having a good time, so I'm coming out of lurkdom.

If y'all wanna ask me questions, go for it!
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Re: I'm coming in...

  • Hey howdy hey!
  • Aw, sorry about your dog. My mom lost her dog while she was stuck in the hospital, too. It sucks!

    Welcome to the board! My LO was born in October, too (the 9th). Check out the Oct. 2012 board, it's a little more active now that our LOs are a little older. It's a bit P&R, but still chill. 

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  • How do you say your son's name?  Is it short for something?
  • imageoverture:
    How do you say your son's name? nbsp;Is it short for something?

    I pronounced it "koo" like kool aid

    I could be wrong.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imageoverture:
    How do you say your son's name? nbsp;Is it short for something?

    It's just what I call him on here. It's the abbreviation for Copper on the periodic table...

    ...his name is Copper.
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  • imageRockyTopVols:
    How do you say your son's name? nbsp;Is it short for something?

    I pronounced it "koo" like kool aid

    I could be wrong.

    Yeh, that's how I pronounce it in my head.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker




  • Thank y'all. I didn't mean to bum this thread out so bad.

    Someone cheer it back up!
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  • Sorry about your puppy, we just lost our boy in September. /hugs

    And Hi!

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  • imageMrsNorry:
    Aw, sorry about your dog. My mom lost her dog while she was stuck in the hospital, too. It sucks! Welcome to the board! My LO was born in October, too the 9th. Check out the Oct. 2012 board, it's a little more active now that our LOs are a little older. It's a bit Pamp;R, but still chill.nbsp;

    Thanks for the invite! I lurk there sometimes, especially lately since Nov is dead. There is usually more threads there that are relevant to my life now with Cu.

    Maybe I'll intro there and start participating... Yeh, I'm one of thosssse people.
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