Hi ladies! My name is Heather and my son, Patrick is 10 weeks old. He is a pretty easy baby overall. I am deciding to switch to cloth diapering because of the expense and mess of disposable diapers. (By mess, I mean all the space they take up and how uneco-friendly they are). Also my LO has sensitive skin, so I am hoping cloth diapers will help with some of that.
My question is, how well do prefolds work at night? DS is not a heavy wetter, but I am not familiar with cloth diapers at all. I only have one friend who cloth diapers and she is a FTM too. I heard pocket diapers and great at night, but I am not sure. Thanks for your advice!
Re: Intro & ?
Our LO is 10 weeks today. He sleeps a good long stretch at night, and so we don't put him in a prefold at night. I don't like the moisture on his skin and, even with a fleece liners, it is not quite absorbent enough for our heavy wetter.
At night we use BumGenius 4.0 pockets. They come with two inserts. Right now we use the bigger insert only, but I like that we have the option of adding the other one or a hemp or bamboo insert later if he outgrows the current absorbency.
During the day, we use a mix of prefolds, all in ones, and pockets.
We still use sposies at night due to his heavy wetting. I haven't found a combination that works for us yet. He's a belly sleeper that tosses and turns a lot.
During the day though we do use pockets and AIO. I've never really used prefolds so I can't give any advice on those. I love pockets though.
In your situation, I would do a diaper trial. Lots of online retailers offer them (Jillian's Drawers is a popular one, though). That way you can test a lot of different types and figure out what works for you.
Personally, I find prefolds more absorbent than pocket diapers and use them almost exclusively. I also prefer how easy they are to launder compared to synthetic pockets. I have about 10 pockets that I keep for DH and MIL to use, though, as they prefer those. (DD is a heavy wetter, though, so neither pockets nor prefolds really cut it for overnight anymore. We use fitteds with a wool cover and an extra hemp insert.)