So I'm sitting here reading through these posts, and something occured to me. So many of us tell our family/friends what we will be naming our LO's only to face negative reactions all around. Myself included. We are naming our baby girl Gwendolyn, and my mother keeps saying "Are you sure!? I just don't want you to regret it later." Um, thanks Mom, we've had this name picked out for 2 years. Fairly sure we like it. SOOOO, here is the plan. We should just come up with the most horrific, god-awful baby names we can come up with and tell everyone that is what we are naming our babies.
For example, I should have announced that our darling baby would be named E'Ternity Heavenevaeh (like it? I just made it up. Its Heaven spelled forwards AND backwards! Beautiful!) After they give us all their negative reactions, we can follow up with "Oh, by the way, we changed our minds about the baby's name. We are actually going with *insert real baby name*." At that point, they will be so thrilled you aren't naming your baby the awful name, they will heap praise on you and claim that they love baby's name. Brilliant! I dare someone on here to try it!
Re: My advice on baby naming (so glad you asked)
We've started doing this with my family (they know we're joking).
Whenever they ask what we're naming our daughter we say Drusilla. Then go on to say her nn will be Dru and isn't that cute?
DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
We told everyone that DD's name was Snapdragon, the most awesome of the flower names.
Baby Name Popularity by State
Ooh! I think I'm going to have to try that!
And MJ is right. I've seen several people mention that they're doing this or are going to. We plan to.
I learned my lesson quite a few years ago when I asked a friend of a friend if she had any names picked out for her LO. She gave me the most horrendous names I'd ever heard and realized that, yeah, it was totally not my business to ask. lol I've just always loved names and I was curious! Since then I've learned to never ask.
We're telling others that our name choices are Gertrude or Hortense and Igor.
BFP #1 09/02/11 M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13
SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.
We didn't tell our names until birth so while pregnant we called my oldest "Sha-nay-nay" and my oldest named my youngest "Monkey sister" while I was pregnant so that is what we called them until birth.
Both times everyone was relieved we went with actual names.
We have been calling our baby 'Ethel' for about 4 weeks now. We started it to curb my over bearing grandmother, and it has just kind of stuck!
*please note that we are not actually naming our baby Ethel*
Charlotte born at 28w3d due to severe IUGR on 12.24.2012 Merry Christmas!
Missed M/C discovered 12.22.2014 at 8w1d measuring 6w3d
2015 was a year to test strength of both body and character, but it led us to this... BFP 01.26.2016 EDD 9.30.2016
We are only sharing the middle name this time around because we got such bad reactions to DS's name. Annoying/mean comments from friends- who didn't even stop once the baby arrived!!!! DD's mn will be Julianne and it's a family name so no one really seems to dislike it or have issues with it. So far we've just been saying "Well, Julianne is the mn and we're stuck on the fn".....then people go on to suggest their favorites and I act like I'm taking mental notes. lol
Everyone knew if we had a boy he would be Richard Scott but they couldn't say anything negative because it is for DH's dad and that would be too mean.
We just said we were undecided for the girl name and that worked but we instead kept hearing that we had to have it sorted out before the birth.
I think giving an awful name first would work for a short time but I think there would still be comments on the actual name anyway.
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
This is exactly what we do. All of our mn's are family names so I knew no one would argue with that. As for first names, we always told them we were stuck or that we weren't telling. I knew we would get some arguments with DS' name and thought it was best to keep it to ourselves. We always referred to him as Nugget and it stuck.
Otherwise, I firmly abide to the "don't share the name in advance" approach.
We told family that a girl was gonna be iCarly Moonshine and a boy was going to be Remington Steele.
Didn't tell anyone the real name til he was born.
We'll definitely do that again.
My Ovulation Chart
My only fear is that you have just given lurkers with bad ideas an even more brilliant bad idea.
Our EDD is May 5 (cinco de mayo), so we've been telling everyone we're going with an authentic Mexican name (we are both white, with a German last name, which makes this idea even more ludicrous). I like to tell people our top contenders so far are Guadalupe, Carlos or Jesus.
Obviously (most) people know we're joking, but at least this deflects the question.
BFP #2 8/22/12 | EDD 5/5/13 | DS1 born 5/9/13
BFP #3 4/25/15 | EDD 1/7/16 | MMC 7/2/15 @ 13w1d | D&E 7/8/15
BFP #4 12/9/15 | EDD 8/22/16 | DS2 born 5/18/16 at 26w2d
Just keep swimming.
True story, I went to elementary school with a kid named Remington Steele.
We told my mom when she kept pressing that we were naming the baby Jayden Kayden. Initials JK, haha.