Baby Names

Boys name CP

Which name do you like better? Emmett is a family name on DH's side - his grandfather, his dad, and he all have the first name, however he and his dad use their MN. William is a family name on my side. Great grandfather, grandfather, dad, brother - grandfather and dad go by Bill, brother goes by MN.


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Re: Boys name CP

  • Why not just use Connor or William as the first name and Emmett as the middle? It makes more sense.

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  • I voted William. Even though it is a popular name, it a name I will always love. Connor on the other hand....I am sick of hearing that name. 
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  • I think William is definitely the better choice.
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  • imagenadchael:
    Why not just use Connor or William as the first name and Emmett as the middle? It makes more sense.

  • imagenadchael:
    Why not just use Connor or William as the first name and Emmett as the middle? It makes more sense.

    This. Even if it's been traditionally used as a FN, there's nothing wrong with mixing that up a bit if you want to. You'd still be using the family name. 

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    This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
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    131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
    We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.
  • imagenadchael:
    Why not just use Connor or William as the first name and Emmett as the middle? It makes more sense.

    Exactly. A first name is the name you go by 

  • imagenadchael:
    Why not just use Connor or William as the first name and Emmett as the middle? It makes more sense.

    Exactly. A first name is the name you go by 

  • imagemimi4347:

    Why not just use Connor or William as the first name and Emmett as the middle? It makes more sense.

    This. Even if it's been traditionally used as a FN, there's nothing wrong with mixing that up a bit if you want to. You'd still be using the family name. 

    So true!  Thanks! 

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  • imageramy3695:

    I like Emmett better than William or Connor so I would just call him that. But out of the 2, I like William better.

    As someone who has gone by my middle name my whole life, I would never do that to my child. It's so confusing and annoying on paper work or when I get phone calls for [first name] when I have NEVER gone by that name. I have strongly considered legally changing my name to remove the first name that I never use.

    DH's dad actually keeps telling us - whatever you do, if you call him a name that should be his FN. I guess they found it very confusing when DH was a child at school and what not but it never really bothered DH. The more I think about it, I worry that if his FN is Emmett, but he goes by William/Will, no one may ever realize we used both family names. Thanks for the advice. DH and I will have to talk it over for sure! 

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