Last night I noticed that Rosie's eyelid was a little purple/red like she whacked it one something. It wasn't bothering her and it was very slight. So I didn't worry about it. Woke up this morning and it's now swollen, more purple/red, and there are eye crusties. I have no idea what it is. It doesn't seem to be bothering her, and she isn't playing with it. So I don't think it's pink eye. WDYT?
Re: My poor kid...
It still could be pink eye even if it's not itchy. Is it possible she got something in her eye (dust, sand, eyelash) and it's causing her eye to become irritated? It is also possible she has an infected tear duct or gland by her eye. If you are concerned, go to the doc.
I am very sensitive to anything having to do with my eyes (I have permanent corneal damage from wearing contacts and having very dry eyes) and go to the doctor if I suspect anything is wrong.