Cloth Diapering


The instructions with my BumGenius 4.0 diapers said to bleach them occasionally. I haven't done so yet, I was planning on doing it tomorrow.

I also have some minky-outside diapers (see the first 2 pictures here: ). Do I need to leave those out so the color won't be messed up?

I've never used bleach on clothing before, I've only used it for hard surfaces. So this whole bleaching thing is a bit scary to me. Bleach won't discolor my BG 4.0s, will it? Do I need to buy color-safe bleach?

Also, when do I bleach? My normal wash routine is: cold rinse, hot wash with 2 T Rockin' Green, extra rinse. Do I add the bleaching step before or after the Rockin' Green wash cycle? Or do I just add bleach to the wash step so I have both bleach and Rockin' Green detergent in there?


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Re: Bleaching

  • I add some bleach every two to three months. I have not come across any issues using it. My diapers still look great and I have not noticed any fading. I wash all the diapers together. Including my bamboo fitteds and Kawaii minkys.

    I have a top loader washer. When I use bleach this is what I do:

    Cold rinse, hot wash with detergent and bleach, and then two to three rinses. 

    I use 1/4 cup of regular (non scented) bleach. I don't use the dispenser because I have had clothes ruined from my dispenser before so I don't trust it. I wait till the washer is full of water, I lift the lid, make sure all the liners are on top so i'm not pouring onto the colorful diapers and then I slowly pour in the bleach and then close the lid again and let it finish the wash. 

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