
Does your DC drink water?

DD LOVES milk.  She doesn't drink any juice, but I realized that she doesn't really drink water either.

Does your DD drink water? 

Re: Does your DC drink water?

  • Yes, she loves water and would rather water than anything else.
  • yes - he drinks more water than milk. He only gets milk at meals, he drinks water the rest of the day. I tried juice (apple) once when he was sick but he didn't like it.
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  • Very little.  He likes it ok, but DS is a little peanut so I would rather him have some calories in what he is drinking, so I don't give him water very often.
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  • yes.  he gets 2 diluted juice, a cup or so of rice milk and the rest is water.  he could have more milk if he wanted but he doesn't usually want it.
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  • yes, he usually drinks 12-16oz of water a day plus 16-20oz of milk (which we limit) He usually has milk in the am w/breakfast and after dinner. Any other time it's water. Otherwise if I give him milk all day with every meal he won't eat.
  • When we're out running errands, I bring DD a sippy of water, but that's the only time she gets it because she needs the calories/nutrients of milk. (When we go to Target, I always ask for a small cup/lid with water and she will sit so nicely in the seat while I shop, like she's getting a special treat.)

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  • Yes, she loves water. She's obsessed with drinking water out of my husband's new Camelback (it's bascially a like a big straw sippy cup).
    Nadia Irene 8/13/07 Reid Owen 8/18/09
  • He drinks milk throughout the day- but it obviously can't sit out.  I keep a sippy of water out all day- he takes swigs from it when he wants.  When we go out I always bring his water sippy which he drinks from here and there (if he'll eat a meal while we're out, I bring his milk- otherwise, I don't).  We don't do juice either.
  • Yep, DS loves water almost as much as milk. He likes juice but gets few opportunities to be tempted (only if travelling and nothing much is available, or if constipated or sick).

    It is important for tooth development. If you have fluoride in the water it will help permanent teeth develop properly in the gum, and even if you don't it will flush out a lot of food and drink that would otherwise cause decay.

    My mum is a dentist and said it was important to give small sips of water from about the time the first milk teeth come through because especially for the night feed (BF or FF) a little will sit in the mouth overnight and eat away at the teeth, but if you have water last thing it will flush it out. And that's even without the benefit of the minute trace of fluoride in the water (much less than toothpaste which of course you should not swallow).

    DS is 2.5 now but he's been having sips of water since a few months old and started having little cups of water about 9 months or so (when he started using a sippy cup).?

  • re the moms who are worried about calorie intake - honestly 100ml of water a day is not going to crowd out anything in a kid who can crawl, let alone walk. And it has dental benefits beyond measure (speaking as someone who had fillings in her milk teeth due to medication!)
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