September 2012 Moms

Baby books- how are you keeping up?

How is everyone doing with filling out their baby memory books?  I bought one that I deemed to be really low-maintenance, and I've been trying to fill it out as we go, but as I keep reading further along into it, I'm realizing that there are things further along in the book that I've already missed- like when she first discovered her hands, the first song we sung to her, etc... I am trying to kind of remember back/ estimate when those things happened.

I feel like it's one of those tests where you should have read all of the questions through first before reading the text and filling in the answers so you know what to be on the lookout for.  Oh well.

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Re: Baby books- how are you keeping up?

  • In all honesty...I have barely filled out S's book.  All the loose stuff (u/s pics, shower invites, baby pics) are just stuck in between the pages.  I haven't even taped them down.  I suck worse at this than I expected. 
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  • imageMrsAB1316:
    In all honesty...I have barely filled out S's book.  All the loose stuff (u/s pics, shower invites, baby pics) are just stuck in between the pages.  I haven't even taped them down.  I suck worse at this than I expected. 

    Uhhh... yeah.  I haven't done the pictures either.  I have them all in a folder, but I still haven't touched them.   

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  • I didn't buy one because I knew I wouldn't do it correctly.

    I'm going to do a shutterfly book for the first year of life for each of my kids.  I'm organizing pictures as I take them.


    Emilia Antoinette
    10.03.12 at 41w5d Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Oh, you know, I fell behind at about 2-3 months with DS1 so I decided to be even more awesome for DS2 and not even start one. Yep. My project is making some photo books (through shutterfly or something) for each of their first years and just adding little stats and milestones throughout the book. 
  • imageUnem:

    I didn't buy one because I knew I wouldn't do it correctly.

    I'm going to do a shutterfly book for the first year of life for each of my kids.  I'm organizing pictures as I take them.

    this is what I did. I did the belly book for both.

    Also, I rec Blurb since you can make an iBook and even add videos. I'm semi obsessed and willing to share DD1's if anyone wants to see.  

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  • imagemrs.kapow:

    I didn't buy one because I knew I wouldn't do it correctly.

    I'm going to do a shutterfly book for the first year of life for each of my kids.  I'm organizing pictures as I take them.

    this is what I did. I did the belly book for both.

    Also, I rec Blurb since you can make an iBook and even add videos. I'm semi obsessed and willing to share DD1's if anyone wants to see.  

    Yes please!


    Emilia Antoinette
    10.03.12 at 41w5d Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • This is year 2. I'm updating year 1 to include videos. 


    I think you should be able to see it all.  

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm going to make a photo book for his baby book for the simple fact that my girls are almost 2 and I have probably completed 30% of their books, and haven't even printed any pictures to put in them either. MOTY fail.
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  • imageAfunky6:
    Surprisingly, I've kept up ok. I haven't looked through it recently so I might've missed something. But I got the baby book that is based on Guess How Much I Love You and it's super easy to fill out.

    Ha!  I have this one too.  I am just suck at filling it out.  And I plan on doing the photo books too.  They are so awesome. 

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  • I've done ok, but have a very basic one illustrated by Eric Carle A Very Hungry Caterpillar. I will likely put together a photo book, but maybe for a larger time span like 3 years or something.
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  • I'm scrapbooking it and I'm impressed at how much I've got done. But I don't have a huge list of firsts and stuff to fill out.
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  • I bought the same one we used for DS1 so I remember a lot of the milestone topics. I need to get some pictures printed for the book, but other than that it's updated. I also keep more detailed info on a Word document.
  • ds1s is in my closet about 755 complete. ds2 will be getting one for christmas... so yeah i obviously hvanet even started filling it out


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  • imagemisslexa:
    I've done ok, but have a very basic one illustrated by Eric Carle A Very Hungry Caterpillar. I will likely put together a photo book, but maybe for a larger time span like 3 years or something.

    We have this one too. It's really easy to keep up with it. I worked on it once to do the welcome and coming home sections. Now I'm just waiting on the milestones to happen so I can fill it in.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I kept beating myself up for not working on it, especially since I waste time on here while LO naps. So, I started to work on it a little bit each day. Just a couple of pages a time, and definitely writing in the date once a major milestone happens (otherwise I would never remember). I think I've caught up for the most part. I need to print some pictures, but have no desire right now.
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    2.0 is on the way! EDD: 2/24/15
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  • Yeah, it was all I could make myself do to finish up the Belly Book... I  bought a baby book for her and haven't opened it since, so I doubt that will happen- and she's my firstborn, so her siblings don't have much to look forward to!  I've been really good about taking pictures and a lot of videos though, so at least we'll have those...
  • I have 3 kids and zero baby books. I keep a photo box with pictures from their first year.
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  • I bought the Etsy book from Ruby. I love it and did very well while I was still home. It is up to date as of her birthday. I used to sit down on Friday nights after bed and fill in anything that happened that week. 

    A My Publisher book of her first year of life is in the mail on its way to me now. I can't wait to see it. Over the holidays I plan to start her 2nd year so I can fill it in once a month or so.

    Kid #1 - 09/03/12
    Kid #2 - maybe???
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    #11 or IVF with scarring still inside?
    1 lone embryo from September 2016 retreival, dx with Trisomy 16, starting fresh
  • What baby book? Ha, my poor kids.

    I have photos though. That counts, right?

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