Cloth Diapering

Is Calgon only for VERY hard water?

Or could it be beneficial in moderately hard water?  Our water is hard but not very. With all the washing issues we've had since moving here, I'm wondering if Calgon might help.  Is there any harm in trying it in moderately hard water? Thanks!
DS (7 years old) from FET in 2010
DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!

Re: Is Calgon only for VERY hard water?

  • I never actually tested our water but I assume it is moderately hard because we don't live in an area of the country that has super hard water.  I was using 1/2 a cap of Calgon in every wash, but I don't feel that it helped much.  I was still having ammonia issues with overnight diapers.

    We recently got our water softener up and running so I stopped using the Calgon, but started using Biokleen Bac-out.  I put some in the washer and do an express wash with it instead of a rinse before my regular hot wash and it seems to have really helped.  I've only been using it for about a week, but the ammonia smell in the morning is gone and DS seems less rashy.

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