TTC After a Loss

I think DH is learning... (~Pg mentioned~)

On FB, one of my acquaintances posted pictures of her baby shower, looking cute with her cute belly and cute pink ribbon over her belly. Gag! I have other friends with babies and who are pregnant and it stings, but not as badly as this one. She's a nice girl, but she happened to accidentally get pregnant just a couple months before her BF (MH's friend/colleague) was planning on moving on to residency after graduating medical school. My friends and I joked about how convenient the timing was and I died a little inside.

So, DH was in the room and saw some of the pictures as I was scrolling through my FB wall and asked, "Hey, is that 'E'?" I replied that yes it was. Then he asked me if she was due soon and I replied, "I really don't care, don't ask me about it" and kept scrolling. In the past, he's told me to not let it bother me so much  and that it must be hard for them. This time... silence.

He doesn't really understand why I let other pregnancies bother me, but at least he's finally learning to either be silent or say something that makes me feel better. Yay!

A vent and husband praise all-in-one! Party!!!

Multiple TTCAL 1image
 TTC #1 since March 2011 
BFP #1: EDD 4/16/13~~blighted ovum w/ 2 gestational sacs~~Loss on 9/18/12
BFP #2: EDD 9/3/13~~Slow HB at 1st U/S~~MMC -Loss on 2/13/13
9/13, 10/13, 1/14: letrozole + trigger + TI = All BFNs
3/14: IUI#1 letrozole/Bravelle/Menopur + trigger = BFN
BFP #3: EDD 1/27/15 Please be our rainbow! ...Team Green

Re: I think DH is learning... (~Pg mentioned~)

  • Hugs for seeing baby shower pictures!

    High fives for a husband who's slowing learning!

    BFP #1: 3/3/12, EDD: 11/11/12, Missed M/C: 4/3/12 @ 8 weeks 2 days, D&C: 4/6/12
    BFP #2: 6/29/12, EDD: 3/8/13, Natural M/C: 7/16/12 @ 6 weeks 2 days
    Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Hypothyroidism
    BFP #3: Kendall Grace, born 9/30/13
    BFP #4: 9/3/14, EDD: 5/16/15, Missed M/C: 10/6/14 @ 8 weeks 2 days, D&C: 10/8/14
    Never in our arms, forever in our hearts Follow Me on Pinterest
  • Ouch! Sorry you had to see that on FB.

    Its awesome that your DH is learning to just "stay silent". Nothing worse than feeling like your SO doesn't understand or is insensitive.

        DS born 8-16-2013
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  • (((Hugs))) for having to see that.  FB can outright suck sometimes.  Glad DH is learning! 

    3 MCs
    1 Rainbow Baby: Born 4/4/15
    BFP: 4/23/17  EDD 1/5/18
  • Thanks, FB really does suck sometimes. At least I can quickly scroll past those kinds of posts.
    Multiple TTCAL 1image
     TTC #1 since March 2011 
    BFP #1: EDD 4/16/13~~blighted ovum w/ 2 gestational sacs~~Loss on 9/18/12
    BFP #2: EDD 9/3/13~~Slow HB at 1st U/S~~MMC -Loss on 2/13/13
    9/13, 10/13, 1/14: letrozole + trigger + TI = All BFNs
    3/14: IUI#1 letrozole/Bravelle/Menopur + trigger = BFN
    BFP #3: EDD 1/27/15 Please be our rainbow! ...Team Green

  • Sorry about the annoying pregnant ladies! But happy your husband is learning! Do you think he could meet up with my husband and teach him a few things haha!

  • It takes them a while, doesn't it? I'm glad your DH is learning!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I'm sorry you had to deal with that on FB.  Glad your DH is learning!

    TTC Since 8/2011
    BFP #1 5/13/12 * EDD 1/24/13 * MC at 7 wks 4 days on 6/11/12
    BFP #2 5/13/13 * Current EDD 1/23/14

    Baby N born 2/8/14


    Lilypie - (HD7B)



  • Good job, DH! Seeing that stuff on facebook always stings. My DH admitted after awhile he read an excerpt from a book about loss bc he just didnt know how to comfort me! 
    TTC#1 12/1/11
    BFP #1 6/14/12 EDD 2/23/13, mm/c at 8w2d, D&C 8/1/12
    PgAL/PAL Welcome
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