
2nd day with no daytime nursing...

I've been in the process of weaning my dd and we were down to 3 a day. Yesterday we skipped the daytime feedings by accident--she missed her morning nap and then fell asleep in the car for her afternoon nap. She didn't miss them and nursed before bed. Today as an experiment i thought I would try putting her down without nursing just to see what happened and lo and behold, she fell asleep for both naps within 5 minutes. So i think we're down to one feeding a day (prebed.)

Soon my boobies will mine all mine!! and dh's ;)

Re: 2nd day with no daytime nursing...

  • Congratulations!

    How old is your DD?

  • Weaning is truly bittersweet.  I'm glad it's going so well! 
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  • She's 14 months. I have to say I'm so proud of myself. She didn't latch until she was 6 weeks old but this was my second baby and the first one never latched so I was determined to make it work. I only had to supplement formula for the first week and then pumped until she got it right. I made it a year! yay me! Party!!!

    and yes it is bittersweet. I loved our special time together and the looks she would give me while nursing. 

  • imagepoochie:

    She's 14 months. I have to say I'm so proud of myself. She didn't latch until she was 6 weeks old but this was my second baby and the first one never latched so I was determined to make it work. I only had to supplement formula for the first week and then pumped until she got it right. I made it a year! yay me! Party!!!

    and yes it is bittersweet. I loved our special time together and the looks she would give me while nursing. 

    What a wonderful story!  DD weaned about the same time 14-15 months.  Enjoy each of your last sessions, you never know when it will be your last (sniff, sniff.... remembering back... Crying

  • imagepoochie:

    She's 14 months. I have to say I'm so proud of myself. She didn't latch until she was 6 weeks old but this was my second baby and the first one never latched so I was determined to make it work. I only had to supplement formula for the first week and then pumped until she got it right. I made it a year! yay me! Party!!!

    and yes it is bittersweet. I loved our special time together and the looks she would give me while nursing. 

    That's some committment!  Congrats!  I am half-ass trying to wean DS.  He BFs 1-2 a day currently

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