December 2011 Moms

How did/are you introducing WCM?

Will you give LO WCM in a sippy at meals, offer it in a sippy all day, or mix it with formula? I have been giving some to DS just at breakfast in his sippy but he hates it! So now I'm not sure what to do. Should i offer it all day or just at meals? Or would it be best to mix it? What have you other ladies done or plan to do? 

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Re: How did/are you introducing WCM?

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    DS won't drink it if its too cold. So I put it in the microwave to get the chill off. He drinks it out of his sippy with meals or in a bottle if I am unable to breast feed or if he is with someone else for the day. This is his first time with a bottle so I know i won't have issues later weaning those form him.
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    around 10.5 months I started offering it in a sippy with meals (instead of water).  When we opened what would be our last can of formula I started cutting back on her bottles.  Last Friday was her last bottle.  Now she gets milk at meals and water throughout the day.  I never put milk in the bottle nor did I mix it with formula or warm it.
    AVT - 12.2.11

    LCT - 5.15.14 ~ 9lbs, 22.5 inches

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    We started removing one bottle at a time.  First it was the mid day bottle.  WCM and a sippy.  Then the morning bottle, and now the night bottle.  He's down to 3-4 cups of milk a day in sippy cups.
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    I offer it at meals and sometimes with snacks, depending on what it is. She really loves water straight out of a water bottle though so that tends to be our snack time go to.

    M hated it at first too, she made a really funny face and then 5 minutes later she picked it up to try it again and her face was slightly better and then she tried it again like 10mins later an sucked down a couple gulps... it still isn't her favorite but she drinks it.

    Proud babywearing, breastfeeding, vaccinating SAHM of 2U2!
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