MJ's Birth
Quick/short version
Pregnancy complications-
Chronic High Blood Pressure prior to pregnancy
Cerclage at 20 weeks, stitches removed at 37 weeks
Bed Rest at 20 weeks, lifted at 35 weeks
Contractions started @ 2:23 am, irregular intervals & duration
Went to hospital @ 9:30 am
Fentanyl @ 2:00pm
Whirlpool @4:38pm
Epidural @ 7 or 8 pm
Pitocin 11:00 pm
Water broke@ 12:32am
Started pushing @ 4:35-6:35
C-section started @ 7:15ish
LO born @ 7:37 am
Long version
I am unsure if the contractions woke me up or if anxiety from my scheduled induction woke me up at 2:23 am. My contractions did not start off painful but gradually worked up to it. I got in the shower and sat on our exercise ball, to work through them for an hour. They stopped for a while and I was able to go back to sleep then at 5:10 they started again. The contractions were stronger and lasted longer than the first ones. At 9:00, I called my doctor's office and they told me to go to L&D check in at the hospital. I have never been so happy to hear hospital before in my life.
They moved me to a room after a minute or so of monitoring my blood pressure, contractions & the baby. Our blood pressure was high so they monitored us and hooked IV?s to me for fluids and antibiotics (GBS+), the contractions were stronger but not constant. I held out on pain medication until 2 pm because I was unable to get on the ball or in the whirlpool until my pressure was stable. I was at 3 cm by this point!
By the time I got into the whirlpool, my cervix was only at 5 cm. Both the nurse & I were praying that whirlpool would help, it didn?t : (. At 6, I could no longer take the pain and requested an epidural. Little did DH and I knew that it would take awhile for me to get it. Luckily it was quick and not as painful as I thought. The epi did stall my cervix, so they gave me Pitocin at 11pm and broke my water at 12:32 in hopes that I would get pass 7. LO?s heart rate would dip back and forth and my temperature was rising after they broke my water. So they continued to give me antibiotics every few hours.
I did not reach 9.5 until 4:30 am-I had labored for 26 hours at this point. The nurse and DH held my legs while pushed, pushed & pushed for two hours. Apparently I acquired an additional infection, that caused my high temp and LO?s heart rate to dip; they had no choice but to do a C-section. DH was upset because he knew how much I did not want one and how tired I was from laboring.
I delivered my little girl Saturday, November 10th at 7:37 am. She weighed 7.2 pounds and measured 20.5 inches long. We stayed in the hospital 3 days: I was up walking by day 2.
Re: High Risk FTM Birth Story