
The pedi?

Hi all,

(I think) I have a problem: I don't actually do what the pedi says..I'm doing what I think is best for DD..

Do you have a close relationship with the pedi? often do you  get your baby to the pedi? I feel like I'm avoiding him. 

Re: The pedi?

  • imageEllaHella:
    I can't see if you have a ticker thanks to bump mobile. You should take LO for the regular well visits. Feel free to ignore his parenting advice but at least to and make sure all is well healthwise. Can you find another pedi? Sometimes that's easier said then done due to location, insurance, etc. but you should be able to trust your pedi. What things do you disagree?

    If it's a difference of small opinion, like baby led weaning vs. purees then it's NBD.  If you aren't able to talk with your pedi & feel comfortable about other health related items, that could be a concern.  Something like, say, tubes in LOs ears for recurring infections then that's a bigger deal.  

  • I only diasagree on minor thing. I trust him and go or call when DS has a well visit or is sick.

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  • I know sometimes I'm a little paranoiac but I see that something is wrong with my baby and he tells me that everything is normal... Well, shouldn't I trust my gut feeling? 
  • imagejessicariley810:
    I know sometimes I'm a little paranoiac but I see that something is wrong with my baby and he tells me that everything is normal... Well, shouldn't I trust my gut feeling? 
    If you think something is wrong, then you should follow your gut.  You are your child's advocate. 

    If you don't mind saying, what do you think is wrong?

  • You say you are paranoid-- I can't see how old your LO is, but could you have postpartum anxiety? I am online and have no way of knowing if you are right or paranoid, but I just wanted to ask. I had PPD/PPA and it was horrible. If you think it could just be paranoia, or if you often think things are wrong and stress and worry and obsess, consider talking to your doctor. If not, then ignore that advice.

     I would really love to know what you're worried about. Is it development related? Lots of kids have faster/slower development. It doesn't mean something is wrong, but if you post here, moms can let you know what they experienced. Or you can ask for an early intervention referral.

    My advice changes depending on if this is a rash, a cold, or your kid keeps having seizures and the doctor dismisses it. Is this the first time it has happened, or does it happen frequently? How many times have you seen the doctor for this issue?

     There are a lot of moms on here. I bet some have been in your shoes, and can give advice. Give us more details. However, if you don't trust your pedi and are avoiding him (I'd love to know what you meant by this-- are you skipping well baby visits or avoiding calling him when LO is sick?), it's time for a new one. You NEED to trust your pedi for medical stuff. 

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  • Very sorry about being vague, I'm like: everybody understands me.. My precious Sophie is 9 months old. An example is that she started crying like being in really pain..this situation continued for 3 days..I saw the pedi and said it's nothing wrong..after a couple of days DD had a rash on her tummy. I got scared! And I was like:I knew something was wrong
  • want to make sure that my baby is fine, like every mom, I guess
  • imagejessicariley810:
    Very sorry about being vague, I'm like: everybody understands me.. My precious Sophie is 9 months old. An example is that she started crying like being in really pain..this situation continued for 3 days..I saw the pedi and said it's nothing wrong..after a couple of days DD had a rash on her tummy. I got scared! And I was like:I knew something was wrong

    I would still love to know what you mean by avoiding him and not listening to him, but I have a few comments.

    9 month olds cry. Could be teeth or seperation anxiety, or something could be wrong. Did she ever have a fever? Did she tug her ears or cough or sneeze? Did you introduce ant new foods during this time? Did you give her any Tylenol? When did she cry, at night, when you put her down, all the time? I hope she is feeling better.

    What did he do when you were there? Did he examine her, take her temp, and look in her ears? If she had no symptoms he could see, what more did you want him to do? I don't think most doctors would want to draw blood or refer you to a specialist if the only symptom is crying. Some kids go through crying phases. And blood draws are HORRIBLE.

    I also wouldn't connect te rash to the crying. It could be, or it could be caused by a bug she got at the doctor, by a new food, by a new sickness, or it could be a symptom that appeared six days later. If she had no symptoms, he cannot see into the future and see if she will get better or worse. Did he see her rash?

    I've had times where I got DS seen and was told he seemed fine. Sometimes he was. Others he showed symptoms later. That isn't the doctor's fault, they can only judge based on what is in front of them.

    I am sorry she was sick, but based on limited info, you may be overreacting. We all do at times, it's part of being a mom, especially a new mom. I also wasn't there. If he was rude or dismissive, that is wrong. If he didnt look in her ears and take her temp, that is wrong. But he can't diagnose off of crying alone.

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  • imageHilarityEnsued:

    I also wouldn't connect te rash to the crying. It could be, or it could be caused by a bug she got at the doctor, by a new food, by a new sickness, or it could be a symptom that appeared six days later.

    I also wanted to add... the two times that DS has been super sick (103+ fever, total terrorist), he's broken out in a rash as the virus is leaving his body.  The pedi told me this would happen.  Several common viruses cause a rash at the tail end of them.  The rash doesn't actually bother them, it's just terrible looking.

    The one time we were traveling for some holiday and DS was covered head to toe in a rash.  People in the airport were giving us the eye like we were transporting Patient Zero.

    Oh lord, that's awful. I'm cracking up, but I do feel sympathy.

    OP, I feel bad for you. My husband just finished med school, and he says that communication can be frustrating. Some doctors don't share info well. Some patients are so worried, or stressed, or busy juggling kids they miss parts. He always asks patients to repeat things back to make sure it is all clear, sort of explaining in their own words what's going on. I am wondering if your doctor isn't communicating as clearly as he could. Or, understandably, you were frazzled by screaming baby. That's still on the doctor, however. He needs to make sure you understand.

    DS has eczema so frequently looked horrific before we found a soap that worked. Rashes suck. Is your dd better now?

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  • I realixe it was an old post. Oops. Better?

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  • imageashleysyn2:

    What is it that your childs doctor wants you to do that you are not doing?

    Personally if I felt that uncomfortable with my childs doctor I would find one that I did feel comfortable with. Don't avoid the doctor your child needs to be up to date on their well visits.

    Why did you just reply to this? This post is months old.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageashleysyn2:

    What is it that your childs doctor wants you to do that you are not doing?

    Personally if I felt that uncomfortable with my childs doctor I would find one that I did feel comfortable with. Don't avoid the doctor your child needs to be up to date on their well visits.

    Why did you just reply to this? This post is months old.

    Yeah, I realized that after I posted it. Oops. I just noticed it and the topic concerned me. So I typed.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageZimger:

    What is it that your childs doctor wants you to do that you are not doing?

    Personally if I felt that uncomfortable with my childs doctor I would find one that I did feel comfortable with. Don't avoid the doctor your child needs to be up to date on their well visits.

    Why did you just reply to this? This post is months old.

    Yeah, I realized that after I posted it. Oops. I just noticed it and the topic concerned me. So I typed.

    Yeah'd you even come across it?  Just curious. 

    Formerly known as elmoali :)

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