While we have been thinking and wrestling with logistics, we are becoming aware that we may not be able to complete an adoption until DH finishes his education classes. They all have classroom components he would not be able to skip out on, and he's starting that portion of school well before we would be ready to adopt.

Unless we can figure something out, he won't be done until 2018, which is kind of depressing to me. He is hoping to have a job teaching that fall. Is there any likelihood of a public school allowing him to be away for a week, then three weeks not long after?

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Re: Kinda depressing
Lurker here- are you talking about attending college classes or completing classroom observation hours?
If the former, PP is right and the university will probably allow him to take a leave of absence. If the later, how is he going to complete clinical hours while working? Will he be utilizing the time in his own classroom as his clinical hours? If that's the case, then he should have plenty of hours, even if he misses a week or two.
If you are worried about DH missing work, that would fall under FMLA.
If he'll be doing separate classroom observation hours, then your fears are valid. If he can't get the hours, though, could he not take a semester off?
Also, 2018 seems like a long time to take education classes- can he not take a few more hours a semester?