
Less than 36 hours

We found out tonight that our foster boys are officially moving home Wednesday morning.  The date has been changed a million times over the past 3 weeks.  It has been the worst emotional rollercoaster so far on this foster parenting journey.  Besides the conflicting emotions (happy they are being reunited, sad they are leaving), it has been so hard to constantly wondering if this is my last moment with them since we were told to expect 1 to 2 hours notice. I'm glad we have a little more time, but this sucks.

Re: Less than 36 hours

  • :(   I am sure they will love their books that you made for them.

    Failed Matches - December 2012, May 2013, December 2013
    Moved on to  gestational surrogacy with a family friend who is our angel and due 7/23/15

  • imageIRR:
    :(   I am sure they will love their books that you made for them.

    They actually came a week early!  We read them over the weekend and the boys loved them.  I was so happy that we were able to see their reaction to them.  And when a few friends came over to play, they ran and got the "Book of Us" to show them!  Ha!  It was really cute.

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  • <<hugs>> You and your husband are wonderful people for giving those boys love during such a hard time for them. 

    5/10 - Gideon 6/12 Warren
    4/11 Started adoption process for 2 siblings through DCF. 10/12 Found out we are licensed! 12/14 Brought 3 week old identical twin girls home from the hospital.  Could be at least until Summer 1015 til we know if they are forever ours
  • You guys have been a blessing to those boys. Think about how far they have come and how you have impacted their lives. I am sure the next few days are going to be rocky. ((((Hugs)))) 

    There are so many kids/ babies that need people like you and your DH. I am thankful for foster parents!!!

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  • I'm sorry, I know you will miss them and I'm sure they will miss you. The world needs caring foster parents like you guys.  You gave them a safe happy home when they needed it.
    Adoption Blog Updated 2/15
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  • big hugs. i cant even imagine what a rollercoaster it is. 
  • (( Hugs ))  That is so hard.  I'm so glad that they liked the books you made them.  I'm also glad that you at least get more than an hour's notice.  Thoughts and prayers for all of you, you've done an amazing job with those 2 boys.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker}



  • That just sounds impossible.  I'm so sorry you have to ride this emotional ride.  Those boys have been so lucky to have you in their lives, and I'm sure they will never forget you.
  • ((Hugs)) You and your husband have provided a great home and memories for the boys!  You will always be remembered.
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