Not sure if anyone would know this or not, but our agency gave us a break down of fees we would be paying which were:
Adoption agency fee
Home study fee
Legal fees
Our agency is a private contractor of Lutheran Child and Family Services(LCFS). Now that we have received our information packet from LCFS and everything we have to sign, it has two fees on there that were not mentioned by our adoption agency, unless they fit under the home study fee or legal fees? I don't understand what they even are so I am not sure where they would fit or are they additional charges? I know I will have to ask, but its just bother min.
Retainer fee of $1600 for working with each identified birthparent situation. The fee covers up to 22 hours of services to the bithparents, which includes all time spent on the case(interviews, telephone, travel, discharge of baby from the hospital and preparation of legal documents and reports).
So do you think that is additional to the legal fees and home study fees? 1600 is a lot of "additional" money we were not told about. My husband called about this and they said that we would have to pay this if our birthmom is from the same state as us(IL) because then they would have to work with the birth mom. Ugh.
Also, a Interstate compact Fee(if applicable) $400. What is an interstate compact fee and what would make us have to pay it or not.
7/18/12-1st RE appointment CD2 blood work taken. Told to move straight to IVF. Starting BC pills and FSH injections plus Lupron. Hopefully doing ET in September
Off BCP March 2011
Started TTC July 2011
7 months TTC with no luck an then....
Diagnosed 2/24/12 with 2 Ovarian Cysts.
3/22/12-Lap to remove cysts, look for endo, and see if tubes are clear.
3/22/12-Diagnosed with Severe Endo(tubes are clear).
4/4/12-Post op OBGYN appointment. Told chances of conceiving naturally are very low, but told conceiving in the next few months is our best chance due to being cleaned out during Lap. Referred to a RE.
RE said IVF is our only chance to get pregnant. Told only a 20% chance even with two put in.
9/20 Stims(Menopur & Follistim)
9/30 Trigger time
10/2 ER
10/3 fert report-out of 7 eggs retrieved only 2 fertilized. Hello "Thing 1 and Thing 2!" Kinda sad there is none to freeze. Because only 2 we will have 2DT to get them back into a natural envionment
10/4 ET. Found out that only 1 divided. We love you "Thing 2." Thing 1 is now snuggled inside me and we are praying it will be our take home baby!
**Did not even make it to my beta, the day before on 10/16/12 I got my F'in period** Such a stab in the heart.
Nov 2012-Moving onto domestic newborn adoption! Can't wait for my take home baby. We will try IVF again after 1-2 years of a clear head. Need a break from infertility treatments/issues for my mental sanity!

Re: Fee question
No, we don't, I have all that info. I just dont get what those two fees are and if they are apart of something already listed. I dont know what the interstate thing is. Just wanted to see if anyone knew here, but I will call tomorrow
Ask your agency. It's always my advice in this situation. They should be able to explain it very quickly and easily.
That being said, my hunch is that the identified birthparent fee is if you end up finding expectant parents on your own (eg, Aunt Mabel knows a sister of a friend's cousin who wants to make an adoption plan, mentions you, and they're interested in placing with you). This fee may be in lieu of agency fees, ask them to clarify.
Interstate compact fees are for if you're matched/placed with a child in another state. It covers paperwork. The way ICPC works, the state the child is born in has to "release" the child to the new state (the one you live in). And the state you live in has to "accept" the child. So paperwork has to be filed and signed off by the courts, which usually takes a week (give or take). It sounds like the agency is making you aware that the fee may go into effect so you aren't surprised if you're matched/placed out of state.