We were so set on Elliot or Milo for our baby boy. We started leaning away from Milo, but I'm not in love with Elliot either. The more I say it the less I like it. Now H vetoes every name I suggest because he is set on Elliot. He won't even entertain any name I suggest. I think he just hopes I'll get tired of looking and settle on Elliot.
Is this name just silly?
Ansan- spelled this way for the Korean city because H is Korean and wanted something Korean. I just don't like any traditional Korean names for boys.
Middles will be Oliver Yong after deceased family members. Last name starts with a Y.
Any suggestions?
Re: DH being difficult
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
Sounds like you're both being a bit difficult.
Ansan isn't silly, but if your H doesn't like it, he doesn't like it. I'd defer to him re: Korean names and what is/isn't a good idea in that department.
Just be clear with him. Say you're not on board with Elliot anymore, just like he's not on board with Ansan, so you both need to start with a clean page.
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Me three!
My Ovulation Chart Simple Link: My Ovulation Chart
I say it Ansen. Guess that doesn't really help
I just don't care for Elliot anymore. I don't know why.
Me too.
BFP #1 09/02/11 M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13
SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.
Well, the issue really isn't whether Ansan is the name you want to use, it's that he's stuck on something and you don't like it anymore.
I hear ya, we go through the same thing. DH is pulling up names he rejected for DD#1 and is now stuck on one of them that I like but am not sold on. Meanwhile, the name that I really like for this DD#2, which we never considered for DD#1, he intentionally mispronounces (and it's not hard to pronounce) and does the passive aggressive crap to try to get me off of it. However, it's my turn to name the child (first name,) since he picked DD#1's name, and he gets a middle name. But he's not doing that, saying he can't pick one or even consider one until the FN is settled. I get that, but he won't just say, go with the one you like, he hopes he'll wear me down.
All I can suggest is tell him that those older names are out, and keep working on new names. Hopefully, if you tell him enough that the names Milo & Elliot are out, he'll open his mind to other options. GL!