December 2010 Moms

Umbrella stroller recs

We currently have a City Mini, but we are now on the market for a spare stroller to keep in DH's car.  We're looking to spend no more than $100, but preferably between $50-$75.  What do you ladies recommend?  If there's something out there a little over $100, let me know too.  I can always keep an eye out for a crazy good sale or maybe even look for a used one on Craigslist.  TIA!

I've been reading reviews online and checked out a few strollers in person.  I read good things about the First Years Ignite and Jet, but when I checked out the Ignite in person, I didn't think it had enough padding in the seat.  I think the Ignite is supposed to be the nicer version of the Jet, so I doubt I will like the Jet.  I also looked at the Chicco Liteway and loved it, but it's over my ideal price range.

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Re: Umbrella stroller recs

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