We have paid and signed our contract. We were then asked to write a bunch of sections for our profile and provide many pictures(about 50). My husband turned everything in on Friday, so I think scheduling our home study is next. Our agency creates a magazine like style booklet that is all about us with pictures and our blurbs. They said they start sending it out ASAP to people who are newly pregnant since we need to time to start and finish our home study. Once our home study is completed, we then can get put up on the website for birth mothers to view. I hope we get matched soon but also know that if it was not til June it would be awesome since I have the whole summer off for bonding time. We are going with Angel Adoptions since they are around the block from us. They are more like a marketing agency for adoptions then a true adoption agency. They are a independent contractor of Lutheran Child and Family Services. If any people are newly looking into adoption and need examples/ideas for dear birth mother letters or anything else, there are good profiles on here to look through and get ideas.
7/18/12-1st RE appointment CD2 blood work taken. Told to move straight to IVF. Starting BC pills and FSH injections plus Lupron. Hopefully doing ET in September
Off BCP March 2011
Started TTC July 2011
7 months TTC with no luck an then....
Diagnosed 2/24/12 with 2 Ovarian Cysts.
3/22/12-Lap to remove cysts, look for endo, and see if tubes are clear.
3/22/12-Diagnosed with Severe Endo(tubes are clear).
4/4/12-Post op OBGYN appointment. Told chances of conceiving naturally are very low, but told conceiving in the next few months is our best chance due to being cleaned out during Lap. Referred to a RE.
RE said IVF is our only chance to get pregnant. Told only a 20% chance even with two put in.
9/20 Stims(Menopur & Follistim)
9/30 Trigger time
10/2 ER
10/3 fert report-out of 7 eggs retrieved only 2 fertilized. Hello "Thing 1 and Thing 2!" Kinda sad there is none to freeze. Because only 2 we will have 2DT to get them back into a natural envionment
10/4 ET. Found out that only 1 divided. We love you "Thing 2." Thing 1 is now snuggled inside me and we are praying it will be our take home baby!
**Did not even make it to my beta, the day before on 10/16/12 I got my F'in period** Such a stab in the heart.
Nov 2012-Moving onto domestic newborn adoption! Can't wait for my take home baby. We will try IVF again after 1-2 years of a clear head. Need a break from infertility treatments/issues for my mental sanity!

Re: Everything is in..hope to get started soon!
I thought that process sounded familiar! I am working with Angel Adoptions as well. We are almost done with our home study. There has been problems getting fingerprints back, though. It has been 4 months for us so far, and I feel like we are losing time. We are working on something that should help us soon, though. Good luck!