Late Term and Child Loss

Breaking Dawn Pt. 2

I went to see it Friday with a friend and her mom. I'm not a Kristen Stewart fan, I never would have cast her for Bella...or period. I just think her acting is horrible, however, someone must have let her know because she was MUCH better in this movie than any of the others! Also, she really did look very pretty as a vampire and if I was her, I would've asked to keep the amber colored contacts because they were beautiful on her. Also, I'm super jealous of her eyelashes. If you read the books you will totally say a WTF in your head while watching this, or in the case of my friend - say it loudly in the theatre, as you watch things unfold before you on-screen that were never in the book.

All that being said...I forgot how many baby parts there would be. I don't know why I didn't realize it, I just didn't. The hard parts for me were the coos from Renesmee, because I only imagine what Lillian's might have sounded like and the fact that her hair was the same color as Lillian's. I managed to struggle through it and was better when she was older in the movie. However, my breaking point was the credits at the end (the way they did them was pretty neat) because they played Christina Perri's 'A Thousand Years' and I didn't think they would for this movie since it was in the last one. It is a little different though and that only managed to make it more heartbreaking for me. See when Lillian's Daddy had her laying on his chest I got my laptop and played that song for her. I had been making a playlist on my Spotify for naptime, playtime, clean house time...all these 'times' for her. She has 176 songs on it and that song was my song to her. That was the only music she ever heard in this world, I couldn't bring myself to play any happy songs I had for her, and hindsight being what it is, I wish I had. She should have felt more in this world than just sorrow and I feel very selfish and guilty for not giving her that.

Anyways, I just wanted everyone to be prepared in case you were wanting to see it. Even thought it was opening day, I went at 2pm and there might have been 15 people in the theatre, so if you fear tears, see a matinee during the week where there is likly to be less people.

Re: Breaking Dawn Pt. 2

  • Thanks for reminding me of this. I was planning on seeing it this week, but I think I will skip it for now. I still DVR everything at home and have to fast forward through all the baby/pregnant women this movie probably isn't a great idea for me. It will be the only one I haven't seen in theatres.

    I love Christina Perri's "A Thousand Years" I also think of Jillian when I listen to it, and it usually makes me cry.

    I just wanted to say that I think your Lillian felt so much more than sorrow, she felt complete unconditional love while she was with you and her don't feel guilty about that. ((hugs))

    Jillian Rose- born 8/26/12 at 24 weeks. "It broke my heart to lose you but you didn't go alone, for a part of me went with you, the day God took you home"
    I love you always, my beautiful girl.

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    10/30/13-He's here!! Happy Birthday, Ryan! We love you so much! xo

    Lilypie - (Bfmg)


  • I am a little worried about this. I was pregnant when I saw part 1 and I know it's silly because it's a movie but Bella is just one more person who got to keep her baby when I didn't! Also, that song is my song for Patricia as well. I will probably end up seeing it with my mom but I'll try to be prepared.

      Our Angel Patricia born sleeping 3/30/12 at 31 weeks
    Our Fighter Anna born early 1/8/13 at 26 weeks
    Hoping to bring home #3 due 9/9/15
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  • I just saw it tonight and was good until they played the song at the credits.  I ran out of the theater bawling leaving my BIL and SIL wondering what was up with me.
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